Progressive Radio Network

Mental Health

Visions of a Positive Future vs Fixing a Pathological Present - Rob Kall

It is not enough to resist or fight the system and the problems that exist. It is absolutely inadequate to aim for repairing the symptoms of what is broken. We need big, positive visions which lift our sights higher, towards horizons where there are bright futures, not scotch tape and bubblegum fixes for the pathological system we currently inhabit.

Back in the early eighties, when I was a lonely pioneer in the field that has become Positive Psychology (I called it Positivity back then,) most of the world of psychology focused on pathology. Clinical psychologists asked the questions:
  • What is the diagnosis?
  • What are the pathological symptoms?
  • What is the etiology that has led to the current clinical pathology?
  • What treatments, interventions and drugs are needed to eliminate the symptoms and pathology?

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