Progressive Radio Network


Voices for Vaccines: 11 Facts Show How it’s a Propaganda Ploy for Emory University, CDC, and Big Pharma - Jeffrey John Aufderheide

Do pharmaceutical companies believe in their product?


They believe in money and power – they answer only to their stock holders. If they believed in their products, they wouldn’t require legal protection from their product harming children through Public Law 99-660 (the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986). Furthermore, they wouldn’t need to force parents to vaccinate their child through mandates (that’s why you need an exemption).

I preface this article with the following, because Big Pharma and the pro-vaccine lobby know their ship is sinking. Parents are investigating vaccines and asking doctors questions they cannot answer in record numbers, which is shooting holes in Pharma’s bottom line.

How do you plug up these holes to stop the ship from sinking? The answer is quite simple: copy what parents are doing in the anti-vaccine movement.

Enter a blog called Voices for Vaccines.

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