Progressive Radio Network

Warrior Connection

Warrior Connection – 02.07.16

The February 7  edition of Warrior Connection was a discussion about bringing music into our lives with professional musicians / music teachers/ composers Nancy Haubrich  and Bob Danielson – a husband / wife team who currently perform as “ALCHEMIE’ in the American southwest- New Mexico  region.  Bonnie Rokke Tinnes joined Doug Rokke to bring “Alchemie” to Warrior Connection given that  Nancy was one of Bonnie’s 8th grade English students many years ago in northern Minnesota.  A proud teacher showcasing a previous student’s unique and very successful accomplishments. Nancy introduced a brand new song world premier called “Straight Out of Kittson”  that she wrote-composed,   This new song takes her – one back home to the roots! THE IMPORTANCE OF FAMILY.  She also performed her own previous composition called  “Postcard Home”.  These were both live performances via a call in land line.  We discussed how to get into music, what it entails, different instruments, how to write music, life of a professional musician(s),  and how music can help you improve your life and loved one’s lives.    You can obtain copies of some of Alchemie’s music cd’s and listen to them via.

As a former teacher and retired  psych nurse,  Bonnie, Doug’s 1st cousin and repeating guest co-host,  is helping us with using reading , writing of poetry and short stories, and music to help us improve our lives!   We can bring families together so all can grow!  Bonnies’s poetry and her books in the “Growing up Margaret” series are available on