Progressive Radio Network


Warrior Connection-09.18.16

The September 18 edition of Warrior Connection as a discussion  with retired US Marine captain  Roy Fish on using carpentry to help vets heal and to thrive.


Triple H Carpentry (Healing, Helping, Honoring) was founded by a Combat Veteran on a mission to provide a conduit of healing for other Combat Veterans suffering from PTSD and other combat trauma related illnesses. The healing conduit being woodworking, we provide a wide range of originally designed wood products. Additionally, the Company’s corps values include a mandate to help those in need through donating time and material to build furniture for families in need and to honor heroes by burning the names of fallen service members into each piece of furniture we build.

This model brought about by the Grace of God as Roy made very clear is extraordinary in it’s vision and success.  It brought Roy and now others from “the brink” back into thriving.