Progressive Radio Network


Welfare May Actually Encourage Recipients to Work, New Study Suggests - Quinn Fucile

Science and politics don’t always mix. One is inherently subjective, what someone believes is best for society, both socially and economically. The other is about questions, answers, data, and experiments. Still they often inform each other, for better or worse. We can occasionally use science and statistics to better understand society, and perhaps figure out the best course of action.

One of the many major political issues is whether or not the state, that is the government, should provide welfare. Or more complexity, how much should be spent on welfare for the unemployed or the otherwise unable to work. Some believe that making welfare to appealing will create a culture of dependency. If it’s socially and economically feasible to live off government welfare, why work? While for some personality types, that notion makes sense on a basic psychological level, it’s not the entire picture.

In fact, a recently published European study may suggest the exact opposite. (via ScienceDaily) It was a survey that asked for agreement or disagreement to this statement; “I would enjoy having a paid job even if I did not need the money.” The question was asked to 19,000 participants, across 18 European countries.

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