Progressive Radio Network


What is Vaccine Injury? - Cathy Jameson

Update on California’s SB277 – despite strong opposition from parents and providers from across the state, SB277 passed through the Judiciary Committee last week with a 5-1 vote.  Senator Joel Anderson  was the only no vote.  SB277 will go next to the Appropriations Committee.

The archived video of the latest hearing can be found at this link:

A press conference with Mary Holland, J.D. can be found here:

One of the most important questions that was asked during the SB277 hearing was asked by the Senate Judiciary Committee Chair, Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson.  She asked:

What does it mean to be vaccine injured?

Senator Jackson asked that question after observing that, “…there are parents here who are saying that their child is vaccine injured. I’m trying to understand what that term can encompass…”

In trying to understand that term, Senator Jackson asked Senator Pan, a physician and co-author of SB277, if he could respond to the question.  He said he could.  Senator Pan replied:

“So, the term vaccine injury, is a term used by the opposition. It’s not a technical term that we use in the medical field.” 

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