What Women Must Know – The Truth About Cancer, Hydration and EMFs with Dr. Igor Smirnov and Alfred Hanser – 04.21.16

Dr. Igor Smirnov 

Dr. Igor Smirnov graduated from St. Petersburg Naval Academy in 1975, Faculty of Nuclear Physics and Engineering with a Master`s of Science degree in mechanical engineering He was actively involved in advanced research regarding the effects of low frequency electromagnetic oscillations (EMFs/EMRs) on human cellular physiology where he received his PHd from St. Petersburg State University.

After the catastrophic nuclear plant radiation leak at Chernobyl Russia in 1986, which induced more than three million incidents of cancer, Dr. Smirnov and his scientific team, investigated the healing effect of the area Caucasus Mountains spring water on the survivors of the radioactive leak.

The geomagnetic field of the mountain spring water proved to be unique in structure and action; it absorbed rapidly and more efficiently into the bodies of the native people exposed to the catastrophic radiation, eliminating the harmful effects of the radiation exposure from the cells prior to any damage.

Dr. Smirnov`s successful investigation of the Chernobyl disaster inspired years of research that led to the  invention of  “MRET Activated Water” using his breakthrough technology called , “Molecular Resonance Effect Technology.” Today this is known as the GIA i-H2O Activation System.

Dr. Smirnov is a member of The Bioelectromagnetics Society of America, The Biophysical Society and The Association Of American Engineers. Dr. Smirnov lectures extensively at many international scientific congresses and conferences.


Alfred Hanser

Alfred Hanser 

Alfred Hanser is a highly successful entrepreneur and is also regarded as an expert in the areas of electromagnetic radiation problems and solutions and cellular hydration   Mr. Hanser has been a featured speaker at many health and wellness congresses and scientific conventions, as well as an expert guest on many radio and TV shows around the world.  He co-founded an international Wellness Company with its patented core technologies . 

The Truth About Cancer Interview with Dr. Igor Smirnov  http://www.giawellness.com/yes/products/aqua-gia/i-h2o/  and  http://www.giawellness.com/yes/products/terra-gia/cell-guard/


For more information call  Sue Gronberg 307 413-6954

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