Will the Covid Vaccine Meet Its Quixotic Promises?

Will the Covid Vaccine Meet Its Quixotic Promises?


Gary Null and Richard Gale

Progressive Radio Network, January 7, 2021


Daily we hear and observe a stream of endless propaganda about the miracles of the new generation of Covid vaccines in order to calm fears and increase public compliance. Top health officials, popular politicians and celebrities are jumping before the cameras to be the first to receive injections. In unison, editors at the New York Times, Washington Post and the major multimedia networks encourage everyone to be vaccinated as soon as enough vaccines are available. Anthony Fauci and the captains in the pandemic efforts claim Moderna’s and Pfizer’s vaccines are about 95 percent effective, and the Department of Health and Human Services is convincing us they are safe and effective.  Therefore, we should all willing stand in the waiting line. There is nothing to be concerned about, we are told, except those anti-vaccine heretics, who the World Health Organization has now dubbed among the ten most dangerous risks to global health.  


What the media blitzkrieg is ignoring are the very legitimate and even worrisome unanswered questions on the minds of many citizens. Aside from concerns over these vaccines’ uncertainties for effectiveness and safety due to quickly being fast tracked past the usual regulatory analyses and reviews, Moderna’s and Pfizer’s vaccines are largely experimental. Never before has an mRNA vaccine been distributed en masse to tens of millions of people. Other suspicions include 1) the length of time neutralizing antibodies are effective before immunity wanes, 2) what kind of protection the vaccines will actually offer, 3) does the data truly support Moderna and Pfizer claims that their vaccines are 95 percent effective, 4) are vaccine recipients protected from contracting the virus and if not can they transmit it to others, and 5) the absence of long-term safety profiles following vaccination that are still pending. The Pfizer Phase 3 trial lasted less than 4 months. Moderna only completed its COVE trial enrollment on October 22; now two months later people are receiving the vaccine. Therefore, insufficient time has lapsed to make any realistic clinical determination about either vaccine’s safety following months after vaccination.


Yet despite these questions, over half of Americans believe that being vaccinated will provide complete immunity from infection and therefore their lives will return to normal. Now the most recent narrative we are witnessing is stoking public fear that unless we are vaccinated we will be unable to board a plane or train, will be prevented from attending schools or public events, and may even become victims to more austere and harsh quarantine laws. There is also the lingering myth of the PCR test as a reliable standard for diagnosing Covid infections. Due to the widespread abuse of PCR, which was never designed nor intended to be relied upon as a confirmatory diagnostic tool, a growing number of medical experts argue that the US, the UK, Germany and other EU nations are facing a “casedemic” rather than a pandemic due to a pathogenic virus. Despite PCR’s high rate of misdiagnoses, positive results are still being reported as Covid cases. 


In early December, the New England Journal of Medicine published a National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease analysis of the Moderna vaccine’s length of efficacy based upon neutralizing antibody levels. This was the first data published of its kind for any of the Covid vaccines. Although the analysis only included 34 individuals who had received both shots, it found that antibody counts were significant over a 3 month period, averaging between 50-75 percent. The report stated this was “less than we were hoping for.”  The rate of antibody decline increased among the older trial participants.  This disappointing result should not be a surprise, although even a sharp drop in antibodies may still provide sufficient immunity, at least for some.  The most recent issue of the British Medical Journal reports that natural immunity following infection lasts approximately 6 months. Yet this study conducted by Oxford University Hospitals likely has serious flaws since it relied upon PCR for diagnosing the data.  Furthermore, Moderna has also been using its mRNA technology for vaccines against several influenza strains. A similar pattern of antibody decline was noted in their flu vaccines, showing effectiveness for about 6 months and then an antibody drop by as much 90 percent. 


So how much protection will the new mRNA Covid vaccines provide and for how long?  Only time and further monitoring of vaccine recipients will tell. 


Another important question on people’s minds is whether they can still be infected after vaccination and whether they can transmit the virus to others.  In principle, vaccine proponents argue that vaccines prevent both infection and transmission.  But the data does not support this conclusion. It is well known that persons vaccinated against the flu will frequently contract the virus, become ill and spread it to others.  This is largely because we are dealing with viruses that enter the upper respiratory tract by way of the mucous layer in the nose and throat.  Mucous itself slows down the spread of the virus to the lungs. However, it is also an obstacle for antibodies and immune cells, such as T-cells, from reaching the multiplying virus.  For this reason, Anthony Fauci has continued to state that vaccinated persons should continue to wear masks and observe social distancing to avoid transmitting the virus. The World Health Organization has stated that there is no “evidence on any of the vaccines to be confident that it’s going to prevent people from actually getting the infection and therefore being able to pass it on.”


Back in October, Dr. Peter Doshi, at the time an editor for the British Medical Journal, had already warned that the later vaccine clinical trials were never properly designed to determine whether it would reduce the likelihood of falling ill nor prevent infection. In a later article Doshi questions the vaccines’ purported 95 percent efficacy based upon how the results are being reported and the ambiguity between “suspected” and “confirmed” Covid cases among the trial participants who received the vaccine.  If the “suspected” cases are included, there is a 20-fold higher number of vaccinated individuals who later contracted the virus.  However, Doshi reminds us that neither Pfizer nor Moderna have provided the raw data for public scrutiny. Moderna says it will make the data available after the trial is completed, which will be in 2022.  Repeatedly Bill Gates, Fauci and all of the media pundits tell us that unless there is large vaccination compliance, the transmission of Covid will never be interrupted. However, based upon what we are learning these new Covid vaccines have always been and remain an unsupported illusion to realistically end the pandemic. 


Another important piece of information that is very rarely mentioned is Covid-19’s 4-5 day incubation period. In the event a person is asymptomatically infected with the virus, the CDC states,


“mRNA vaccines are not currently recommended for outbreak management or for post-exposure prophylaxis, which is vaccination to prevent the development of SARS-CoV-2 infection in a person with a specific known exposure. Because the median incubation period of SARS-CoV-2 is 4 to 5 days, it is unlikely that the first dose of COVID-19 vaccine would provide an adequate immune response within the incubation period for effective post-exposure prophylaxis. Thus, vaccination is unlikely to be effective in preventing disease following an exposure.”


Reports are already coming in to confirm this. Recently, hundreds of Israelis became infected with the virus after receiving Pfizer’s Covid vaccine. There may be several reasons for this.  First, were the vaccine recipients already carrying the virus at the time of vaccination? Second, it takes 8-10 days for immunity to sufficiently increase after receiving the vaccine, and after the first dose there is only about 50 percent efficacy.  This is why the second shot for the mRNA vaccines is so critical in order to reach the magical 95 percent effectiveness. 


Now that the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are being administered throughout the US – 4.6 million recipients since January 4th – and in other nations, we are beginning to read reports about serious adverse effects. Recently Covid vaccine injuries have started to be reported in the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). During a seven-day period, December 15-22, there were 1,158 cases entered. However, this is but a fraction, albeit significant, of the actual number of adverse events. On December 19, the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices convened to review the cases of life-threatening anaphylaxis following mRNA vaccination. In his presentation to the Working Group, Dr. Thomas Clark presented statistics showing that there was a minimum of 3,150 “health impact events” among 112,807 vaccine recipients (2.7 percent) during only a five-day period (December 14-18).  Moreover, these 3,150 adverse events were tagged as “unable to perform normal daily activities, unable to work, required care from a doctor or health care professional.”  The presentation did not include the number of minor and moderate adverse events which are likely much higher. 


In early October we reported on Covid-19 vaccine risks stated by Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, the former chair of microbiology at the University of Mainz Medical School in Germany. Among those risks is the possibility of the vaccine’s mRNA contributing to mutogenesis in reproductive cells that may be inherited later by children. Subsequently, the University of Miami has reported it is following up on its earlier discovery of the virus present in men’s testicles up to six months after infection. Now the researchers are investigating whether the vaccine’s Covid genetic information may do likewise and interfere with sperm quality and reproduction. 


The final question is why are we failing to discuss, let alone adhere, to the precautionary principle before this massive undertaking to produce and distribute potentially billions of vaccines to inoculate the global population? The precautionary principle quite simply states that any new medical intervention with results that are either disputed or unknown should be avoided. In fact, the principle has frequently been invoked for products or processes that would introduce genetically modified organisms or foods for consumption. Now we are injecting questionable genetically engineered substances into human bodies, and worse there are voices that want to mandate this enormously expensive experiment long before any reliable medical consensus can be reached on their long-term safety. 


If the precautionary principle had been respected and honored during the past 100 years, the US would have prevented untold numbers of life-long injuries and deaths due to the public advertising of smoking, asbestos and DDT poisoning, synthetic hormone replacement, toxic pesticides such as Monsanto’s glyphosate, AZT during the early part of AIDS epidemic, and the swine flu and Gardasil vaccines that were also rushed to market without proper scientific oversight.  The US government has an atrocious track record for introducing toxic chemicals to the American public then denying all responsibility for their adverse effects and the indescribable suffering that their shortsightedness has caused. It is only well after the tragedy gains some public attention that a whistleblower or someone “in the know” comes forward to reveal the wrongdoings and corruption behind the companies developing these toxic products. And how often do we find the government, the regulatory agencies and mainstream media being the primary source to expose these felonies? Rarely ever. Even when protective laws are enacted, such as the Clean Air, Food, Water and Energy acts, corporate lobbyists and big money apply their trade to buy off legislators and heads of federal agencies to gradually scrub away these laws’ safeguards. This is part of the corporate cancel culture to erase our protections. 


These trends that have become ingrained into the government’s politick have led to today’s largest propaganda campaign in the country’s history and is now orchestrated by the CDC and NIH in collusion with the pharmaceutical industrial complex, Bill Gates, many of our leading corporate-funded medical schools and institutions and across the ideological spectrum of the media. All are heavily invested in the new generations of Covid vaccines and whatever new novel drugs in the pipeline and to invalidate the highly effective and cheap drugs, such as hydroxychloroquine and invermectin, that have been proven to treat Covid infections quickly and safety.  This is the same artifice of corporate scoundrels and their media escorts that have relied on faulty science, fabricate their own research to serve their financial interests, and hide behind a cloak of non-transparency who Fauci now encourages us to openheartedly trust as Covid vaccines reach your local clinics and downtown pharmacies.  


There may be no reason to doubt Fauci’s and our health agency’s sincerity and determination to protect the health of Americans during this crisis. However, their competency to do so effectively is an entirely different manner. Sadly their past track records of colluding and showing favoritism to private interests over public health should top the list of our worries.  Whatever the long term consequences from this massive vaccination campaign, praise, condemnation or even criminal accusations will ultimately rest upon the shoulders of our nation’s Anthony Fauci-s, Bill Gates and Moncef Slaoui-s.