William Dunkerley – Proof of Clinton Complicity in Russia Mess Discovered in NY Times Archives

There has been a plethora of stories in the New York Times that cast Russia and its leader Vladimir Putin in a very negative light. So it was with great interest that I saw recently a 1998 article that explained how the US-Russia relationship was headed for serious trouble. It even prophesized the dire straits the two countries find themselves in today.

Who was to blame for the problems? Given today’s Times‘ condemnatory coverage of Putin, it was surprising to see that the newspaper fingered then-president Bill Clinton and his team.

In contrast, the Times‘ coverage today attributes blame for the outcome to Putin. Hillary Clinton is very outspoken about Putin’s culpability, ironically, with no hint of her husband’s earlier role.

Hillary has compared Putin to Hitler, accused Russia of being militarily aggressive, and lambasted Donald Trump for even thinking of trying to get along with Putin.

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