Progressive Radio Network

What Women Must Know

What Women Must Know - The Alzheimer's Prevention and Treatment Solution with Dr. Thomas Lewis - 12.22.16

Thomas J. Lewis, PhD is an Inorganic and Physical Chemist with degrees from Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He is the founder of the RealHealth companies including RealHealth Clinics. He based thbusinesses on the work of Dr. Clement L. Trempe and Dr. Kilmer McCully. These clinicians are pioneers in systemic chronic diseases, disease detection using ocular biomarkers, germ theory, inflammatory diseases, and micronutrient balance in immune health.  RealHealth Clinics developed the clinical protocol based on their combined work, through the efforts of Dr. Lewis, to address a range of chronic diseases of aging. Dr. Lewis is also engaged in developing new small molecule therapeutics for the treatment of diseases of aging, with special focus on Alzheimer’s disease.
businesses on the work of Dr. Clement L. Trempe and Dr. Kilmer McCully. These clinicians are pioneers in systemic chronic diseases, disease detection using ocular biomarkers, germ theory, inflammatory diseases, and micronutrient balance in immune health.  RealHealth Clinics developed the clinical protocol based on their combined work, through the efforts of Dr. Lewis, to address a range of chronic diseases of aging. Dr. Lewis is also engaged in developing new small molecule therapeutics for the treatment of diseases of aging, with special focus on Alzheimer’s disease.

 In addition to obtaining a Ph.D., Dr. Lewis’ has training from the Harvard School of Public Health in Toxicology, Industrial Hygiene, and a certificate from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts in Industrial Hygiene.  He is a frequent presenter at scientific and medical conferences, and has published scientific papers. Dr. Lewis holds patents (pending) on novel approaches to treating cancer and methods and approaches for treating chronic diseases of aging including Alzheimer’s disease and macular degeneration. In addition he has patents pending on a new risk calculator for chronic disease which he has trademarked “chronic disease temperature(tm).”

 Dr. Lewis along with Dr. Trempe publish a ‘substantial” book on Alzheimer’s disease titled, “The End of Alzheimer’s Disease A Differential Diagnosis Toward a Cure.” Elsevier Publishing will be the publisher of version 2. to be released in 2016. In addition, Trempe and Lewis are in the process of publishing a follow-on book titled, “Quarterback Your Own Health – How to Take and Lower Your Chronic Disease Temperature.

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