What Women Must Know – The Real Dangers of the Pill and A Natural, Sale Non-Hormonal Option with Dr. Françoise Farron – 11.03.16

Dr. Francoise Farron received  Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry from New York University Medical School. Her first job  was at Harvard Medical School, studying control mechanisms of cell growth. This was part of a larger program designed to understand the phenomenon of uncontrolled growth in cancer cells.

Her discovery of the contraceptive properties of SMART WOMEN’S CHOICE actually occurred while meeting a group of women in France who mentioned casually that they used certain innocuous substances very effectively as birth control in preference to the hormone-based pill.

It was only when a friend’s daughter died from a blood clot due to her use of a hormone-containing birth control device that  finding an alternative to the dangerous hormone-based contraceptives became her focus.

Upon researching the subject, Dr. Farron discovered that women who used the pill, the patch, or hormone-containing devices such as Mirena IUD, diaphragms, etc., exposed themselves to tremendously increased cancer risks, to developing  fatal blood clots and , many other side effects  She become committed to researching and eventually formulating a safe, effective non-hormnal contraceptive gel called Women’s Smart Choice!

Dr. Francoise Farron, creator of SMART WOMEN'S CHOICE, the all natural, 100% effective birth control alternative with zero side effects