Progressive Radio Network


The Working Life Podcast With Jonathan Tasini - STEALING TIPS, NOT! BIG AIRPORT WAGE HIKE, YES! TEXAS GOING BLUE IN 32ND? - 03.29.18

The gall of greedy employers never seems to end, right? This time it shows up in the restaurant biz where the other NRA—the National Restaurant Association–was trying to get its hands on waiters’ tips. I talk to Judy Conti, a key leader in the successful battle to slap down that money grab.

I, then, chat with Angie Person, an airport worker, and Rob Hill, a union organizer, to hear how 40,000 workers won a raise more than doubling pay to—are you sitting down?—$19-per-hour.

Lastly, I continue the series of progressive candidate interviews with a conversation with Lillian Salerno who is running in Texas’32nd Congressional District.

Our Robber Baron of the week is the CEO of Toys R Us.