Progressive Radio Network


World Health Organization: Prolonged Exposure to Even LOW Level Radiation Increases the Risk of Cancer

Over 300,000 Nuclear Workers from France, the UK and US Studied for Radiation-Cancer Link

A major new study coordinated by World Health Organization’s cancer division – the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) – finds that even low-level radiation increases the risk of cancer, if exposure occurs over time.

The IARC announced last week:

New results from a study coordinated by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the cancer agency of the World Health Organization, show that protracted exposure to low doses of ionizing radiation increases the risk of death from solid cancers. The results, published today in The BMJ [the prestigious British Medical Journal], are based on the most powerful study to date and provide direct evidence about cancer risks after protracted exposures to low-dose ionizing radiation.

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