Progressive Radio Network


World's first anti-propaganda search engine launching soon that favors Independent Media while banning government and corporate disinfo - Mike Adams

For the last six months, I have been working hard on the development of a breakthrough search engine that will finally offer a credible search alternative to the NSA-funded, surveillance-state search engines currently dominating the web.

Next week, I’ll be opening the webmaster URL submit page for the world’s first independent, anti-propaganda search engine that filters out corporate propaganda and government disinformation. The search engine is free to submit to and free to use. It’s funded entirely by advertising that appears on the search results page.

Uniquely, this independent search engine either bans or flags (with a warning) all corporate propaganda and government disinfo websites. Just as Google flags search result URLs containing malicious code that can infect your computer, we will flag search result URLs containing malicious propaganda that can infect your mind.

This means you won’t find the CDC’s vaccine propaganda dominating search results, for example. Instead, you’ll find a universe of independent websites that have been suppressed, censored or outright banned by Google. You’ll also be able to help protect the integrity of the search results by flagging corporate propaganda and government disinfo using the clickable feedback icons present on the search results pages.

It’s time for a credible alternative to the “New Evil Empire”

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