Progressive Radio Network


Zaid Jilani - Whoa, Pentagon Influences TV Shows Like 'American Idol'? New Documents Show Scary Collaboration

It’s a little-known fact that the Pentagon has for years directly influenced the production [3] of a wide variety of television programming. In fact, in instances where the producing companies are accessing military hardware, the Department of Defense requires approval of the scripts, a process which can result in line-by-line edits by the government of film and television plots and dialogue.’s Tom Secker filed [4] a series of Freedom of Information Act requests with various branches of the military, seeking information about how often and to what extent the Department of Defense coordinates with programming. The results are revealing. Secker’s FOIA produced over 1,400 pages of documents from the Army’s Entertainment Liason Office and another 100 pages from the US Air Force’s office.

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