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ZERO HEDGE - "Show Hillary Love" Rothschilds Urge As She Charges $2,700 Per Question

Yesterday we pointed out something troubling: while Hillary Clinton has now gone 274 days without giving a press conference (even as her campaign spokesman Brian Fallon eagerly vowed that “if elected Hillary Clinton will hold press conferences”) she has been all too eager to answer questions from donors at exclusive (and expensive) fundraisers.

Like, for example, the one that took place two weeks ago at the Rothschilds’ Nantucket estate. Recall that as we reported then, the day after Bill’s 70th birthday “Hillary, not one to be bothered with traditional peasant forms of travel, awoke and took her private jet just 20 miles over to Nantucket where the Rothschilds will be hosting a fundraiser.  The event is open to all…well anyone who can afford the $100,000 per person price tag.”

Now, thanks to the NYT article that gives the common people a glimpse into what exactly has been taking place within these fundraisers, we know that when Hillary arrived at the Rotschild mansion, she would “bask in an affectionate embrace as hosts try to limit confrontational engagementsLady Lynn Forester de Rothschild, a backer of Democrats and a friend of the Clintons’, made sure attendees did not grill Mrs. Clinton at the $100,000-per-couple lamb dinner Mrs. Forester de Rothschild hosted under a tent on the lawn of her oceanfront Martha’s Vineyard mansion.

“I said, ‘Let’s make it a nice night for her and show her our love,’” Mrs. Forester de Rothschild said.

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