Progressive Radio Network

Gary Null Show

The Gary Null Show has been broadcasting for over four decades, making it one of the longest-running health and wellness programs. It began in the late 1970s, initially airing on traditional radio before transitioning to platforms like the Progressive Radio Network (PRN) and online streaming.

The show's longevity reflects Gary Null's commitment to educating the public on natural health, nutrition, and alternative perspectives on medicine, politics, and environmental issues. His approach has attracted a dedicated audience seeking in-depth, research-driven content outside of mainstream narratives.

Why the pro-vaccine community refuses to openly discuss vaccine safety and efficacy – and the other strategies necessary to empower the vaccine opponents, with Alan…
As always we start with the latest in health and healing, and good news in how to lead a longer happier life. Then, commentary and…
A reappraisal of Andrew Wakefield’s research and his exoneration in light of the legal and scientific evidence - with Andrew Wakefield, Jim Moody, David Lewis.
Toni Bark – updates on vaccine legislation. David Korten – changing our industrial society’s focus on self-destruction to value the lives of others and the…
Discussion on the economy, threats to the dollar - with Dr. Michael Hudson.
The pending social and economic disintegration ahead and what can be done to lessen or survive it? Dmitry Orlov is a Russian-American engineer and author…
Epigenetics, Energy Medicine and women’s health with Dr. Dawson Church
A view on the impact and results of climate change denialism from historians in the future – what brought about the collapse of Western civilization?…
The conservatism of climate change assessment and how we might face the potential extinction of western civilization and humanity in an awakened manner, with Guy…
How the global economic cabal, military industrial cartel and our failure to address climate change are creating a perfect storm leading to a tyrannical world…
The latest in health and healing, and how we can live a longer and more enlightened life. Then, an environmental study that reveals there are…
CONVERSATION WITH REMARKABLE MINDS Transforming our values and activism to confront humanity’s trajectory towards an uncertain and apocalyptic future Andrew Harvey is an internationally renowned…