The Gary Null Show – 05.10.16

On “The Gary Null Show” today, Gary does a quick Health and Healing block, which you can read by clicking on the links and then discusses “What it is to be a Progressive?” Listen and read and get a better understand of the world we live in:

Bad carbs increase risk of cancer by up to 88 percent

Get rid of a poison oak rash

Could lime juice save hundreds of thousands of lives annually?

Grapes protect against ultraviolet radiation

Why are fish suddenly dying by the millions?

Gary takes a quick music break and plays this great song: Earth, Wind & Fire – Fantasy. Gary returned to discuss “What it means to be a Reagan conservative ?” and “What is a Progressive?” Gary gives his own voice to the topic and below are a few reference articles to let you understand more:

This is the video Gary was discussing about Bill O’Reilly saying Obama is a Progressive:

VIDEO: Justice, Obama and Trump

The 11 principles of a Reagan conservative or

11 Principles of a Reagan Conservative

Sadistic capitalism: Six urgent matters for humanity in global crisis
62 people own the same as half the world

Reform Is Not Enough to Stem the Rising Tide of Inequality Worldwide

The Gary Null Show – 05.09.16

On “The Gary Null Show” today, Gary talks about these topics below plus a great story about doing research with Doctor Allan Cott, the first Orthomolecular psychiatrist on fasting and how it effected people. Gary also tells a story about Key West and the tar pits of Canada. Click on the links below to learn more or just listen:

How fasting helps fight fatty liver disease

Study says probiotics relieved stress for medical students at exam time

Probiotics stop menopause-like bone loss in mice

Pomegranate can serve as a backup ovary
Eating nuts linked to lower risk of colon cancer

Traditional food puts chemotherapy to shame

Fructose alters hundreds of brain genes, which can lead to a wide range of diseases

Gary takes a quick break to play this golden oldie: The Blackbyrds ~ Walking In Rhythm

VIDEO: Matt Damon Speech: Civil Disobedience

VIDEO: Robert Reich debunks Donald Trump’s dangerous lies about immigration

The next employment crisis is here: Job cuts at U.S. companies jump 35 percent in April

Welcome to the machine world: the perfect technological storm

The Gary Null Show – 05.06.16

n “The Gary Null Show” today, Gary gives us great information on the topics below, as well as a great interview with Ray McGovern. Click on the links to read more or watch.

High blood pressure lowers significantly after drinking tart Montmorency cherry juice

Probiotic supplements beneficial in rheumatoid arthritis

T cells use ‘handshakes’ to sort friends from foes

Health Benefits of Amaranth Grain

Good nutrition positively affects social development

Gary takes a quick music break and plays this oldie but goodie: Bad Luck – Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes. Gary then introduces his guest, Ray McGovern and is his bio:

Ray McGovern served as an Army intelligence officer and a CIA analyst for 27 years under 7 presidential administration, from the John F. Kennedy White House to that of George H. W. Bush. Among his duties was preparing the President’s Daily Brief, which was a one-on-one to President Ronald Reagan’s most senior national security advisers. He was responsible for the analysis of Soviet intelligence regarding Vietnam and at one time served as the Assistant National Intelligence Officer for Western Europe. Since retiring from government service, Ray has been a vocal peace activist and journalist and helped create Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) to expose the way intelligence was falsified to “justify” war on Iraq and the Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence. He also works with Tell the Word, an ecumenical Catholic publishing house. Ray’s opinion pieces appear in many leading news sources here and abroad. He holds degrees in theology and philosophy from Fordham University, an MA in Russian History, is a graduate from Harvard Business School

Gary played this video for Ray to listen to and discuss:

VIDEO: General Wesley Clark: Wars were planned – Seven countries in five years

This is the video Gary is discussing with Ray about Michael’s comments on George Bush Jr.

VIDEO: Michael Moore’s warning to Democrats: Take Trump seriously

The Gary Null Show – 05.05.16

On “The Gary Null Show” today, these are the topics Gary discussed and here are the links for you to read more:

Could Watercress be an unlikely tool in fight against smoking? Extract taken several times a day ‘DETOXIFIES carcinogens in cigarettes’

High-fat diet starves the brain

Food processing linked to an increase in type 2 diabetes

Group activities reduced depressive symptoms among older people with dementia

Toxic Weed Killer Showing Up in Some of the Most Commonly Eaten Foods in America

Greenpeace: TTIP means genetic engineering

TTIP—American Economic Imperialism Paul Craig Roberts

Gary takes a quick break and plays this classic: War – Edwin Starr. Gary goes into these topics next:

VIDEO: How the FBI Sabotaged Black America

Here is Gary’s article he spoke about that he wrote with Richard Gale:

Richard Gale and Gary Null – The Vaccine Dilemma: Unsafe at Any Dose

The Gary Null Show – 05.04.16

On “The Gary Null Show” today, Gary gave us great health and Healing news that you can read about when you click on the links. Listen to the show again to hear Gary’s personal take on all this. Enjoy:

Eating black raspberries significantly lowers cardiovascular disease

Vitamin stops the aging process of organs

A Mediterranean style diet decreases levels of the inflammatory marker C-reactive protein

Eating too much red meat ‘can age the body’, researchers claim

Grapes help counter negative effects of high fat diet

Novel bitter melon extract show metabolic and anti-obesity effects: Study

Frozen food products recalled over possible Listeria contamination

New York City’s housing and homelessness crisis intensifies under de Blasio

Australia, U.S. financially penalize citizens refusing vaccines

Gary read his article on Vaccines on yesterday’s show. Listen here:

Is two hours of screen time really too much for kids?

Gary talks briefly about the rumors regarding the doctors who discovered cancer enzymes in vaccines and how they were all found murdered. Don’t pay it any mind, its all false.

Gary goes to a break and plays this classic: Mack the Knife-Bobby Darin

Gary comes back to finish the show with these topics:

War on Drugs ‘is an unmitigated disaster’: Former Latin American heads of state

VIDEO: The DEA is Top Drug Dealer in US and ATF is Top Gun Trafficker

Gary talks to the audience about drugs and prison and then he brings on a Holistic Psychotherapist and Nurse Practitioner in Psychiatry. Her name is June Kiefer – Self Care Solutions. She will be coming in on Sundays to help out and here is her number: 631-981-8807

The Gary Null Show – 05.03.16

On “The Gary Null Show” today, Gary discussed these topics and then read from his great new article on Vaccines. Click on the links below to learn more from these great sources for you to open your mind.

The Magic of Miso

Prescription drug use is on the rise

The benefits of optimism

Just one teaspoon of this spice boosts weight loss by 50%

The amazing healing properties of celery seed oil

Lastly, Gary discusses his great new article that Richard Gale and Gary just wrote. Enjoy it here.

Richard Gale and Gary Null – The Vaccine Dilemma: Unsafe at Any Dose

The Gary Null Show – 05.02.16

On “The Gary Null Show” today, Gary gave you information on these great topics below and played great videos for you to hear and watch. Click on the links below to watch or read.

Life expectancy for white women falls slightly in U.S.

Better sleep and tai chi reduce inflammation and promote health

Talk outshines light in preventing return of winter blues, says new UVM study

Brain’s immune system could be harnessed to fight Alzheimer’s

Reducing cholesterol with food made from soybeans and amaranth

Masculinity + energy drinks = sleep problems

Gary takes a quick break and plays this jam: The Brothers Johnson – Stomp!

FDA looks to expand electroshock use despite significant risks and no proven benefit

FDA to declassify electroshock therapy to same risk category as condoms and contact lenses

VIDEO: The problem with millennials

VIDEO: URGENT – Fox news caught using fake video of riots!

Gary takes a very quick break and comes back with these great videos to end the show:

VIDEO: The truth about public education. Public schools? More like indoctrination camps.

VIDEO: Pentagon Employee Witness Says There Was No Plane on 9-11-2001!

VIDEO: Conan O’Brien fully exposes mainstream media

The Gary Null Show – 04.29.16

On “The Gary Null Show” today, Gave read this great article and gave his commentary. Then read the bios below of his great guests:

Chemtrails: The Consequences of Toxic Metals and Chemical Aerosols on Human Health


Guest 1: Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny is an osteopathic medical physician who incorporates integrative medicine in her practice for treating allergies, childhood illnesses and women’s health issues. Sherri is the founder and lead medical practitioner of the Tenpenny Integrative Medical Center in Middleburg Heights, Ohio.

She has authored several books on vaccines including, “Fowl: Bird Flu, It is Not What You Think” and “Saying No to Vaccines: A Resource Guide for All Ages”, and her most recent DVD – “Flu and Flu Vaccines: What’s Coming Through That Needle” is an invaluable resource for educating people on influenza and the flu vaccines. You can contact her through , and

Guest 2: Dr Gary G. Kohls

Dr Gary G. Kohls is a retired family practitioner, who specialized in holistic (non-drug) and preventive mental health care for the last decade of his career. He has expertise in the areas of traumatic stress disorders, brain malnutrition, non-pharmaceutical approaches to mental ill health, neurotransmitter disorders and the neurotoxicities from psychotropic drugs, vaccines, environmental toxins and food additives. Since his retirement, he has written a weekly column for the Duluth Reader, an alternative newsweekly magazine published in Duluth, Minnesota, USA. Dr Kohls is a past member of the International Center for the Study of Psychology and Psychiatry, Mind Freedom International and the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. His weekly Duty to Warn columns appear on many national and international websites and are archived at

The Gary Null Show – 04.28.16

On “The Gary Null Show” today, Gary discussed these topics and gave his commentary on them. Click on the links to learn more and watch the videos to see what Gary was teaching you:

Sugar can cause brain damage, claim scientists (but salmon reverses it)

Fish oil, cocoa & plant sterols: The winning combination against heart disease?

Experimental Therapy Found to Wipe out Liver Cancer Cells

How Does Wine Help Your Gut Health?

Rosemary aroma can help older adults to remember to do things

Clean water crisis threatens US

The End of the American Empire

Gary went to break and played this classic: Martha Reeves & the Vandellas – Jimmy Mack. Gary then introduced these video

VIDEO: Math teacher raises concerns about WiFi comparing the effects to a concussion

VIDEO: The 9/11 video that was aired once and never aired again

VIDEO: Engineer Tells The Truth About 9/11

The Gary Null Show – 04.27.16

On “The Gary Null Show” today, Gary goes over these topics to help you become a better you. Click on the links and learn more in one show then most people learn in a week.

How diet influences our genes

China pays price of western lifestyle with soaring childhood obesity

No time to get fit? Think again

Yoga may have health benefits for people with asthma

Chronic inflammation leads to imbalanced blood system and potentially Cancer risk

Vitamin D insufficiency, low rate of DNA methylation in black teens may increase disease risk

Chronically ill for years – Aspartame Poisoning – do you have the symptoms

7 Amazing healing powers of aloe vera

Gary takes a quick break and plays this classic jam: Earth, Wind & Fire – Let’s Groove. Gary gives a preview of Friday’s show on Vaccines and gives the number to call if you are not near the internet and need to listen 712-775-6850. Gary teases his next 4 documentaries coming soon. Starting on Saturday, June 11th, for 3 hours every other Saturday for 3 months, Gary will be taking on anti-aging and helping you regrow your hair and tightening up your skin and helping you get your weight down and body fat down to 12 percent. Then back to the show, Gary played these two videos:

VIDEO: Prince EA – Can We Auto-Correct Humanity? – Why I Refuse to Let Technology Control Me. You need not delete your social networks or destroy your cell phones, the message is simple, be balanced, be mindful, be present, be here

VIDEO: War on Boys – Whatever happened to letting “boys be boys?” Take these two cases: In one, a seven-year-old boy was sent home for nibbling a Pop Tart into a gun. In another, a teacher was so alarmed by a picture drawn by a student (of a sword fight), that the boy’s parents were summoned in for a conference. In short, boys in America’s schools are routinely punished for being active, competitive, and restless. In other words, boys can no longer be boys. Christina Hoff Sommers, a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, explains how we can change this.

Gary takes a call from a teacher about how boys are treated nowadays in schools.