Black Agenda Radio – 04.11.16

Welcome, to the radio magazine that brings you news, commentary and analysis from a Black Left perspective with your host Glen Ford and his co-host, Nellie Bailey.

– Mississippi’s Republican state government is trying to strip its mostly Black capital city, Jackson, of control over its airports and other revenue producing properties. The state also seems eager to seize the city’s water system. We spoke with Kali Akuno, of Cooperation Jackson, the political organization that elected Chokwe Lumumba as, arguably, the most radical Black mayor in the country, back in 2013. But Mayor Lumumba died the next year, and now his supporters are fighting from outside. Kali Akuno says the Mississippi Republican Party is determined to crush all possibility of Black political and economic power in Jackson. He calls it, “the Confederate Spring.”

– In New York City’s Harlem, this weekend, the Black Is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations held a national conference on the elections and Black self-determination. The conference explored whether this election season has opened up new possibilities for a radical, independent Black politics. Margaret Kimberley, a Black Agenda Report editor and senior columnist, was one of the speakers.

– Boston-based writer and activist Danny Haiphong is a regular contributor to BAR. In a recent article, Haiphong said the fractures in the Republican and Democratic parties are reflections of the general crisis in the system of capitalism.

Harvey Wasserman – Are You Ready for President Paul Ryan? Why We Desperately Need a Plan C

The Democratic party is teetering on the brink. The green/peace/social justice community needs a Plan C. The Republicans have one. The Democrats don’t. The impacts could be catastrophic. Consider: Both Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have serious handicaps for reaching the presidency.   By her own admission, Hillary is an ineffective campaigner, with serious negatives among young activists and the …

Warrior Connection – 04.10.16

The April 10th edition of Warrior Connection was a discussion about the lessons of Vietnam + 40 + 50 years and steps we the veteran who has survived can take to thrive.

obtain an education
choose friends wisely
abandon booze and street drugs
fight for your medical care
take care of yourself and your family
help the next veteran co-hort group to survive and to thrive
get involved in your community
Put your faith, your trust, and your mentor – model for living in GOD.

Resistance Radio – Gerardo Ceballos – 04.10.16

Dr Gerardo Ceballos is one of the world’s leading ecologists, and is a professor at the Institute of Ecology at National Autonomous University of Mexico. He is the author of numerous books, including The Skin of the Rainforest, Mammals of Mexico, and The Annihilation of Nature: Human Extinction of Birds and Mammals. He is also known for his fieldwork on prairie dogs, jaguars, and others. He proposed the first Mexican endangered species act, that includes roughly 4000 species of plants and animals in the country. He has seen through to establishment more than 20 protected areas that cover almost 2% of the Mexican land territory and protect thousands of plants and animals, including around 15% of all endangered species. No other Mexican scientist – perhaps no other individual scientist in the world — has accomplished so much in hands-on conservation. Today we talk about biodiversity and the book The Annihilation of Nature: Human Extinction of Birds and Mammals.

Meria Heller Show – 04.10.16

Stars R Us, monthly astrology show with Meria and Joseph Anthony. What a month! Everything uncovered being revealed; holding on to old paradigms in the South; Pluto squaring Uranus-deep discovery; Uranus is the awakening planet; Kevin Trudeau; Energy of change coming in; Taurus the sign of money; power grabbing and Pluto; death; questioning our values; Venus in Aries; Mercury in Taurus – high energy first half of the month; Mars retrogrades on the 17th-slowdown for 11 weeks; Pluto goes retrograde on the 18th; ”Earth Month”; Mercury goes retrograde on the 28th; nostalgic times; Full Moon in Scorpio the 21st – emotional; enjoy the simple things in life this month; 7th New Moon in Aries; this month “review-revisit and revise” and your individual horoscopes.

Economic Update – Efficiency: Capitalist vs Human – 04.10.16

Updates on tax issues: Panama Papers, corp tax rates, tax-avoiding “inversions” and Yale’s tax avoidance. Part 2 of interview with Dr. Harriet Fraad: capitalist efficiency produces human inefficiency and what to do about it.

Expat Files – 04.10.16


Unfortunately, a good percentage of Gringos and Expats in Latin America have bought (or are buying) into the peak of the Latin Real estate bubble. How would they even know? Yes, everyone wants their little piece of paradise and as long as Latin vacation properties are remain cheaper than US vacation properties (not necessarily so) they think they’d better buy in now. A few short years ago buying Latin real estate seemed like such a no brainer but all things must end.., and this one will end badly. Bubbles that over-expand will deflate, bottom out and burn the last suckers in. Sure, some Gringo buyers who got in early found they could flip properties over and over at nice profits… and those stories help drive the bubble as greater fools rush in. Few if any recognize the ominous signs even now (bubble sign in itself). Even this late in the game fools still trickle in but NOT rushing in like they used to. Meanwhile, many fools are find they’re stuck, cash poor, in too deep, with too many properties and too few new suckers…


Today we have Part TWO of an interview with a profession Expat tax preparer who has over 600 Expat clients. He lives in Medellin, Colombia and knows the peculiarities of Expats and US taxes. We’ll ask him the tax questions that most concern Expats.

When it comes to Expats and US taxes, the most knowledgeable and best equipped tax preparers are generally long term Expats who advertise in the local Latin country they live in and thus provide face to face service. Caution! Your neighborhood tax guy in Cleveland probably hasn’t a single Expat client (except you maybe?). You don’t want to be his guinea pig.

A Just Cause – Spotlight on Capitol Hill & Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee – 04.10.16

The host Cliff Stewart, Lisa Stewart and Lamont Banks will shine a Spotlight on Capitol Hill and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, who is serving her tenth term (20 years) as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives. She represents the 18th Congressional District of Texas, centered in Houston, which is the energy capital of the world.

Let’s Create A Better World – 04.09.16

Dr. Nathan Rabb, a noted holistic naturopath doctor speaks about a special method of how he helps his clients learn how to heal their own self by natural method. Dr. Rabb works with all types of people in life but many who are struggling with their health and/or struggling financially as he finds it in his heart to help them. Dr. Rabb talks about growing up on small farm in South Carolina where his Mother treated him with herbs that she pulled from weeds on the farm for any illnesses he went through in life. Dr. Rabb talks to our listeners of how he teaches clients different methods of detoxing, cleansing, changing their diet, supplements, vitamins and herbs. The discussion goes on to heart disease, brain disease, memory loss, diabetes and other related dis-eases.

A Bowl of Soul – 04.08.16

A Bowl of Soul Broadcast
Another Life – D’Angelo & The Vanguard – R&B/Funk – 2014, Sound The Alarm feat. Mayer Hawthorned – Booker T Jones – R&B/Funk – 2013, Ecstacy – Ohio Players – R&B/Funk – 1973, For Those Who Like To Groove – Ray Parker Jr. & Raydio – R&B/Funk – 1980, Goin To See My Baby – The Fatback Band – R&B/Funk – 1972, It’s Wonderful To Be Loved By You – Jimmy Ruffin – R&B – 1970, Afro-Strut – The Nite Liters – R&B/Funk – 1972, Something Good (Is Going to Happen to You) – Carla Thomas – R&B – 1967, Imperfect Love – Regina Bell – R&B – 2016, Don’t Waste The Pretty – James Day Songs feat. Glenn Jones – R&B – 2016, Work To Do – Isley Brothers – R&B/Funk – 1972