The Vinyl Experience – 04.08.16

Vinyl Experience 296

For Merle Haggard

Merle Haggard Mama Tried, Grateful Dead: Ripple, Johnny Cash: A Boy Named Sue, Bob Dylan with Johnny Cash: Girl From The North Country, Buddy Holly: Everyday, Linda Ronstadt: When Will I Be Loved, Everly Brothers: Walk Right Back, Don Henley (with Mick Jagger and Miranda Lambert) Bramble Rose, Eagles: Take It Easy, Rolling Stones: Far Away Eyes, Georgia Satellites: Don’t Pass Me By, Little Feat: Sailing Shoes, Patsy Cline: Crazy, Rod Stewart: Mandolin Wind, Roy Orbison: Crying, The Band: King Harvest (Has Surely Come), Willie Nelson: All Of Me

Alternative Visions – Panama Papers’ Revelations & What’s Happening in Europe (French protests, Dutch voters, Brexit-Grexit, German Economy) – 04.08.16

Jack discusses this past week’s revelations out of Panama of the massive tax sheltering, avoidance and fraud by the US and global economic elites. The economic tax ‘wikileaks’ revelations show global politicians deeply implicated, including Iceland, UK, Argentina prime ministers. Jack refers listeners back to his 2006 ‘War at Home’ book and the ‘Great American Tax Shift’ and writings ever since on this topic, available at his blog, and website, Where the US, Euro, Russian, China 1% hide their money in 27 global ‘jurisdictions’, estimated conservatively at $11 trillion today. Phone Congress ‘repatriation’ tax proposals of 2005 and 2016 are explained, recent inversion deals, and how and why US corporations hold more than $2T offshore today. In the second half of the show, Jack reviews growing events in Europe, with French workers and students staging massive protests against ‘labor law reforms’, Dutch voters rejecting inclusion of Ukraine into the EU, why odds favor a UK (Brexit) from the Eurozone this June, why a Greek ‘Grexit’ may follow as the IMF threatens to renege on last August’s Greek bailout, and new evidence of a Germany economic slowdown. (For further analysis of Europe, see except of Jack’s chapter 6, ‘Europe’s Chronic Stagnation’, from his 2016 book, ‘Systemic Fragility in the Global Economy’, posted on his kyklosproductions website above).

The Gary Null Show – 04.08.16

On today’s Gary Null Show, Gary started the show with his “Health and Healing” segment. Here are the topics Gary discussed:

Can You Reverse Type 2 Diabetes?

Drop in body temperature linked to aging aggravates manifestations of Alzheimer’s disease.

Wisdom is a matter of both heart and mind, research finds.
Does sitting time decrease your lifespan (even if you exercise)?

An apple a day really can keep the doctor away. Apples slash the risk of heart attack or stroke by a third.

After a quick break,
Gary goes to a great video from Bibb County Superior Court Judge Verda Colvin in Georgia. Here is the link to the article and video:

Lastly, listen to Professor Michael Puett discuss “What the wisdom of ancient Chinese philosophers can teach us about living a healthier and better life in our modern world.” Here is his bio:

Professor Michael Puett is the Walter Klein Professor of Chinese History in the Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, and the Chair of the Committee on the Study of Religion at Harvard University. His areas of focus are on the interrelations between anthropology, history, religion and philosophy. Michael’s course in Classical Chinese Ethical and Political Theory – which introduces undergraduates to the postmodern relevancy of the timeless wisdom of the early Chinese sages — such as Confucius, Mencius, Lao Tsu, and Chuang Tsu — is the third most popular courses at Harvard after intro to economics and computer technology, and attracts up to 700 students. He has received multiple awards for his teaching and advising skills and has been named a Harvard College Professor in recognition of his dedication to undergraduate education. He earned his doctorate from the University of Chicago, and his most recent book “The Path: What Chinese Philosophers Can Teach Us About the Good Life” offers the timeless advice ancient Chinese thinkers to the challenges in our modern times.

Energy Stew – Richard A. Bowell – 04.08.16

It looks like everything is polluted. Even our atmosphere has been polluting pristine wildernesses or what’s left of them. Our economy, politics, agriculture, medicine – there’s no secure place to turn.

Can we even trust our minds in this frightening world?

What’s left?

There is a place inside ourselves where we can experience our sacredness but not everyone can find it.

Once we understand our own sacredness, we can see it in everything and contribute to the betterment of life.

Evolution makes progress through truth, beauty and goodness and the more we can embrace it the more whole our future will be.

Richard A. Bowell has written the book, “The Last Unpolluted Place on Earth is Inside Our Selves”.

Listen to this very insightful interview with Richard and find out why the only real way to make progress is to be true to our soul and pursue its higher purpose. Other than that, all our plans are just talk which is why progress is so hard to see.

Richard is also working with Michael Shewchuk who he met at the UN and Michael’s organization, Human Evolutionary Change, is partnering with Richard to foster this important transformation.

Expat Files – 04.08.16


A good percentage of smart Gringos and Expats living in Latin America have been lucky enough to get their assets out of the US and the US banking system. The see the writing on the wall and soon a desperate Big Brother will slam that exit door too. Smart people know that with the passage of FATCA, the bail-ins and the push for the cashless society, it’ll be the depositor’s money in US bank accounts that becomes the source of the next bank bailout- probably not another QE. That said, using offshore corporations and bank accounts have always been, perfectly legal ways to do business, keep money and assets somewhat anonymous as well as protected from confiscation and lawsuits etc. But now with the massive “Panama Leaks” story the world sees how corrupt, sociopathic, scumbag politicos and untouchable megabuck-jerks use these same legal tools to hide and redirect their payoffs and ill-gotten public loot. Unfortunately, with that breaking story everyone who uses these legal and valuable tools are now being stained by the media with the same brush…

BTW: hate to say I told you so but as I’ve said all along, Panama’s been labeled such a high-profile money-laundering center- a hot spot like Switzerland and the Cayman Islands- its naturally on every first-world tax authority’s radar. That said, only clueless gringos and Expats are nuts enough to bank or create Panama based corporations. If you need to incorporate or do banking, there are so many nicer, better, low key places in Latin America.


It’s APRIL! Gringos and Expats are much concerned with filing their US taxes and wonder who should prepare them. Today we have Part One of an interview with a profession Expat tax preparer with over 600 Expat clients. He lives in Medellin, Colombia so he knows the peculiarities concerning Expats and US taxes and we’ll ask him tax questions that most concern Expats.

Heart of Mind Radio – 04.08.16

On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio our host Kathryn Davis offers “Today’s Now” reading from the Collective Over-Soul of the Human Earth Embodiment. Yes, humanity and the planet herself are one being with one conscious awareness.

We are living at a time of great significance in that now is when all can come into this great awareness. Following the reading Kathryn offers an activation, which is more than a meditation. It is designed to awaken within each one the bubbling stream of truth from source awareness, that which lays at the core of each being.

As we awaken to the source within each of us and allow our life stream to arise from this, source humanity awakens to its power to recreate the existence on earth, allowing love and harmony to rise into the expression of being.

Kathryn is an energy healer, movement teacher and channel of divine energy. This divine energy comes forth through her hands, in her words and from the heart. All human beings have this capacity. It is not unique. But we must turn our attention inward so that we can manifest our individual creation and contribution to the restoration of life on earth.

You can contact Kathryn for personal reading, healing sessions or with your questions. and (347) 480-1694
For more information go to

Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 04.07.16

Election theft in SOLARTOPIA is our vital concern as we talk with Bob Koehler, Mimi Kennedy and John Brakey about how the 2016 primaries are being rendered dubious by the disenfranchisement of hundreds of thousands of citizens.

Bob’s recent Commonwonders column calls attention to the 300,000 citizens deprived of their vote in Wisconsin.

Mimi tells us of the struggles in Los Angeles for even a semblance of democracy.

John paints us a beautiful picture of how democracy can work with his narration of an election on an Apache Reservation.

Meanwhile, we confront the realities of a political system dominated by corporate money and the electronic manipulation of our precious right to vote.

If you are concerned about our democracy (or what’s left of it) don’t miss this show.

What Women Must Know – How to Beat Diabetes Fast (and Stay Off Medication) and Reduce Breast Cancer Risk with Dr. Michael Mosley – 04.07.16

Dr. Michael Mosley is the #1 New York Times bestselling author, with Mimi Spencer, of the FastDiet published in over thirty-two languages around the world. He is also coauthor, with Peta Bee, of FastExercise and wrote the foreword for the FastDiet Cookbook by Mimi Spencer and Dr. Sarah Schenker. Dr. Mosley trained to be a doctor at the Royal Free Hospital in London before joining the BBC, where he has been a science journalist, executive producer, and, more recently, a well-known television personality. He has won numerous television awards, including an RTS (Royal Television Award), and was named Medical Journalist of the Year by the British Medical Association.