Solartopia Green Power And Wellness Hour – 04.28.15

The fabulous, fascinating FREDA SIDEROFF joins us to describe the GARIFUNA FILM FESTIVAL ( )upcoming May 22-25 in Venice, California. Freda is a member of the indigenous Garifuna culture, one million humans strong, based largely in the Caribbean regions of St. Vincent, Belize, Guatemala and Honduras….but with “diaspora” representatives through the western hemisphere.

It’s All About Food – Joshua Katcher and Hallie Rich – 04.28.15

Part I: Joshua Katcher, The Discerning Brute
Joshua Katcher is an adjunct professor at Parsons The New School for Design and has taught Sustainable Fashion at the Laboratory Institute of Merchandising. He is currently writing his first book, Fashion & Animals, and has lectured on that topic at Princeton, The American University of Paris, Parsons, Brown, UPenn, and FIT among others. Katcher started the men’s ethical lifestyle website, The Discerning Brute in 2008 and launched the Brave GentleMan label and eCommerce platform in 2010.

Part II: Hallie Rich, alternaVites
Hallie Rich is the founder & CEO of alternaVite the first quick-dissolving multivitamin for adults who can’t swallow pills. After the success of alternaVites for adults, Hallie launched alternaVites Kids, the all-natural alternative to sugary gummy vitamins that stick to kids teeth (Pediatric dentists highly recommend alternaVites). Recently, Hallie lobbied on Capitol Hill with the Natural Products Association – she can speak on that experience. She has a new book coming out in 2016 called, “Should I Scoop Out My Bagel?” – Gives no holds-barred answers to the questions that keep every modern woman wondering why her weight is high, her libido is low, and her mind is scattered.

Project Censored – 04.28.15

This week’s program offers two perspectives on global capitalism and permanent war. Sociologist William Robinson makes the case that the present state of capitalism may be a “systemic crisis,” something not seen in centuries. Then peace advocate Kathy Kelly relates her experiences, from Afghanistan to US prisons, and refutes the notion of”humanitarian war.”
William Robinson teaches Sociology at UC Santa Barbara. Kathy Kelly is the founder of Voices for Creative Nonviolence.

The Natural Nurse And Dr. Z – 04.28.15

Host Ellen Kamhi, PhD RN,, interviews Dr. Carri Drzyzga. Dr Carri is known as ‘The Functional Medicine Doc’ – the go-to expert on finding the root causes of health problems so you can feel normal again.

Leid Stories – 04.27.15

A Life-Changing Experience –
An upset stomach turns out to be something that lands Utrice in the hospital undergoing a battery of tests that yield a somber diagnosis.
She shares the experience with listeners.

Smart Show – 04.27.15

Cher endorses Heidi Shink, who is running for City Council against the notoriously corrupt politics and developers of West Hollywood California. Louis Slesin Founder, Editor & Publisher, Microwave News, a bimonthly newsletter on the biological effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation, with special emphasis on power lines and cellular phones. Eric Gladen, Director of the documentary, Trace amounts: Autism, mercury, and the hidden Truth.