Progressive Commentary Hour – 02.14.17

Gary chats with PRN host Beatty Cohan on the top of LOVE, They duo go over the topics of Why are relationships so challenging? A Valentine’s day look at the state of love in the world, and in American culture in particular. How is the lack of love contributing to our culture of fear, resentment and hate, intolerance and social divisions? And how does the our culture climate politicize relationships and stifle social empathy, kindness and compassion.Our guest is Beatty Cohan — a psychotherapist for 35 years and a nationally recognized expert in marriage and relationship therapy and sexual dysfunction counseling. Her work also includes treating early child abuse, sexual assault and substance abuse. Beatty has been a columnist, a public speaker having given hundreds of presentations to national organizations, colleges and universities, a radio talk host, and a resident psychotherapeutic expert for major television networks.

The Infectious Myth – James Lyons-Weiler on Vaccines, Genes and Autism, Part 2 – 01.31.17

David continues his interview with James Lyons-Weiler, author of the book, “The Environmental and Genetic Causes of Autism”. His research indicates that genes can cause greater susceptibility to environmental toxins, such as the mercury and aluminum found in some vaccines, but that genes alone cannot explain the recent explosion in the rate of autism. His blog is at
David concludes with a short critique of some of US President Donald Trump’s first few executive orders. Uh, oh!

Progressive Commentary Hour – 01.03.17

an in depth conversation about the autism epidemic and the politicalization of vaccines and federal coverup of the facts

Attorney Kent Heckenlively.. a founding contributor of Age of Autism, father of an autistic child and author of “Inoculated — How Science Lost its Soul