Rachel Smolker is a codirector of Biofuelwatch, and works with the Global Forest Coalition and the Campaign To Stop GE Trees. She has researched, written and organized on the impacts of biofuels, bioenergy and biochar on land use, forests, biodiversity, food, people and the climate. She has a Ph.D. in ecology/biology. She is author of “To Touch a Wild Dolphin.”
Resistance Radio – Brian Ertz – 03.22.15
Brian Ertz is board president of Wildlands Defense. He has spent the last decade resisting this culture’s depraved relationship to the natural world via grassroots organizing, national media initiatives, administrative and legislative policy advocacy, and in support of a variety of litigation efforts aimed at preserving a wide variety of landscapes and wildlife species in the West. Download this episode …
Resistance Radio – Four Arrows – 03.15.15
Four Arrows (Wahinkpe Topa), whose Anglo name is Donald Trent Jacobs, is a professor at Fielding Graduate University, an American Indian activist and author of 20 books and numerous articles and chapters about Indigenous worldview applications to contemporary world issues. We talk about his work to create a marine sanctuary off the coast of Mexico. Download this episode (right click …
Resistance Radio – Sherri Mason – 03.08.15
Dr. Sherri Mason, who goes by Sam, became obsessed with the impacts of humans on the environment when at the age of 11 she watched a very poignant Different Strokes episode in which Kimberly’s hair turned green after washing it with acid rain. While not scientifically accurate, this episode made an impact and set Dr. Mason’s path as an environmental …