This Can’t Be Happening – 09.16.15

Marina Angel, a professor of law at Temple University and a long-time fighter for women’s rights and against sexual abuse who helped draw up that university’s pioneering rules against sexual harassment in 1992, talks with “This Can’t Be Happening!” host Dave Lindorff about the ever expanding number of women alleging they were drugged and sexually assaulted by actor/comedian and long-time Temple University Trustee Bill Cosby. She discusses how university leaders, by following in the sorry footsteps of Penn State in continuing to cover up and ignore Cosby’s abuses, risk being dragged down, along with the school’s reputation, as revelations about his sordid behavior continue to make headlines.

This Can’t Be Happening – 09.02.15

Prof. Francis Boyle is a professor of international law at the University of Illinois Law School with a long career as an anti-war activist and upholder of human rights. He has served as a counsel to Bosnia and Herzegovina and was a legal advisor to the Palestinian delegation during the Middle East Peace negotiations from 1991 to 1993. Prof. Boyle has served on the board of directors of Amnesty International, and the Council for Responsible Genetics. He drafted the legislation for what became the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act in 1989 which was signed into law by the first Bush administration. He has been a strong opponent of the current Afghan and Iraq wars, and was an advocate for bringing international arrest warrants against George W Bush, Cheney and others in the Bush administration. Prof. Boyle has published numerous papers in law reviews and many books. His most recent publications are “Palestine, Palestinians and Internaitonal,” “Biowarfare and Terrorism” and “The Criminality of Nuclear Deterrence” co-written with Phillip Berrigan.

This Can’t Be Happening – 08.05.15

Today on “This Can’t Be Happening!” journalist Alfredo Lopez talks with colleague and host Dave Lindorff about two stories that intimately concern him. The first is a fierce attack by anti-abortion forces, most likely by hired experts located in Russia or China, on a progressive web-hosting service Lopez helped found, Lopez then talks about the debt crisis in Puerto Rico, arguably as bad or worse than the crisis in Greece, but far harder to combat because of the island’s colonial status under US domination.

This Can’t Be Happening – 07.29.15

Host Dave Lindorff interviews Andrew Leslie Phillips, journalist, fimmaker and former station manager of Pacific Radio flagship station KPFA in San Francisco, about his latest focus: teaching and promoting the concept of permaculture, a holistic approach to sustainable human society that focuses on individuals, families and local communities. Phillips, a native of Australia, joined the conversation from his home in …

This Can’t Be Happening – 07.01.15

Host Dave Lindorff interviews two guests. In the first half hour, abortion rights activist Kris Neuhaus talks about two important court decisions, one by a county judge in her native Kansas, and one by the Supreme Court, both halting seriously restrictive laws limiting abortions, and discusses whether the political tide may be turning against such the anti-abortionists. Then in the second half hour, Chinatown banker Thomas Sung, fresh off a stunning court victory, talks about being hounded for three years by Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance, and about how both Vance and federal prosecutors aren’t interested in prosecuting the real criminal banks like Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase,Citibank and Morgan Stanley.

This Can’t Be Happening – 06.10.15

This Can’t Be Happening guest Bret Grote, legal director of the Abolitionist Law Center in Pennsylvania, talks about his organization’s lawsuit in federal court against the medical abuse and neglect the state’s Department of Corrections is visiting on one particular prisoner, Mumia Abu-Jamal. Grote explains that Abu-Jamal was allowed to develop diabetes without treatment to the point that he lost consciousness, and was then hospitalized with relatives and even his lawyers barred from visiting him or learning his condition. The lawsuit demands access to Abu-Jamal and to his medical records, and access to him by physicians obtained by his family.

This Can’t Be Happening – 05.20.15

Dr. Kris Neuhaus, an associate of the murdered Kansas abortion doctor George Tiller, has been the target for since his death of rabid anti-abortionists in that state. She talks with host Dave Lindorff about a new law passed in Kansas that bars a standard, safe procedure for second-term abortions, jeopardizing the health of many Kansas women. Dr. Neuhaus also talks about her struggle to regain the medical license stolen from her by the state’s so-called Board of Healing Arts (a body stacked with non doctors whose only qualification is their anti-abortion stance), and her struggle to save the family farm in the face of a $100,000 bill by that board for the “costs” of their hearing to cancel her license. (For those who’d like to contribute to her fight, go to: www.

This Can’t Be Happening – 04.01.15

Harold Wanless, a leading climatologist and geologist based at the University of Miami, returns to the “This Can’t Be Happening!” program after a year to revisit his claim that global warming and sea level rise are going to be much more dramatic than the consensus predictions of the UN Climate Committee, NASA, the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration and other groups.