Asian mushroom extract shows promise as treatment for obesity and its ills Being mindful can improve your interactions with co-workers, new study finds Could a cocoa extract prevent Alzheimer’s? Helicopter parents: Hovering may have effect as kids transition to adulthood Seaweed May Hold The Key To Treating Irritable Bowels Lower levels of coenzyme Q10 in blood associated with multiple system …
Our New Technological McCarthyism
Richard Gale and Gary Null Progressive Radio Network, June 21, 2022 Aside from older Boomers and their parents in the Great generation, few people would remember Senator Joseph McCarthy’s witch hunts for Communists that destroyed the careers and lives of thousands of people. It was a dark day in US history. It revealed the nation’s domestic weaknesses and what can happen …
The Tyranny of Modern Medical Scientism
Richard Gale & Gary Null PhD Progressive Radio Network, May 24, 2022 In 1976, Dr. Halstead Holman, the youngest professor to be named chairman of Stanford University’s Department of Medicine at the age of 35, wrote, “the medical establishment is not primarily engaged in the disinterested pursuit of knowledge into medical practice; rather in significant part it is engaged in …
Stumbling Off the Anthropocene Cliff
Richard Gale and Gary Null Progressive Radio Network, May 17, 2022 Climate scientists and environmental activists now refer to our postmodern era as the Anthropocene Age. Indeed modern civilization’s heavy reliance upon fossil fuels is destroying the planet unwittingly. Our carbon footprint is evidenced everywhere we look. Our addiction to carbon-based energy should be more transparent than ever the past …
America’s Full Spectrum Decline
Richard Gale and Gary Null PhD Progressive Radio Network, May 10, 2022 “It is possible to live only as long as life intoxicates us; once we are sober we cannot help seeing that it is all a delusion, a stupid delusion.” Leo Tolstoy For an ever-growing number of Americans, life is becoming ever more difficult and precarious to maneuver for …
The Climate Crisis is a Spiritual Emergency
Richard Gale & Gary Null Progressive Radio Network, May 5, 2022 Phyllis is a very conscientious environmentalist. She goes beyond the call of duty to spread the word about climate warming through the organizations she belongs to and her social media network. She travels long distances to join climate marches and to demonstrate against tar oil pipelines and hydrofracking projects, …
America’s Medical Police State
Richard Gale and Gary Null Progressive Radio Network, May 4, 2022 Americans are going through a very unsettling and confusing period in our history. It is the kind of socio-economic disruption that only occurs every five or six generations. In part, this confusion is because people are unable to discern what is true and who to trust and believe. There …
The Adolescent Tantrums that Define American Culture
Gary Null PhD and Richard Gale Progressive Radio Network, May 3, 2022 What does it mean when the government’s largest anti-terrorism enforcement agency for domestic and public security, the Department of Homeland Security, creates a governance board to rule over what information is true and permissible and what is false and to be censored? In case we have forgotten Orwell’s …
Stumbling Off the Anthropocene Cliff
Richard Gale and Gary Null Progressive Radio Network, May 18, 2022 Climate scientists and environmental activists now refer to our postmodern era as the Anthropocene Age. Indeed modern civilization’s heavy reliance upon fossil fuels is destroying the planet unwittingly. Our carbon footprint is evidenced everywhere we look. Our addiction to carbon-based energy should be more transparent than ever the past …
Escaping America’s Sinking Ship
Gary Null and Richard Gale Progressive Radio Network, May 12, 2022 For the past five decades, I have been a consumer and social activist, an investigative reporter and a national radio host. Over the years I have organized and led dozens of demonstrations to expose the crimes of corporate and government interests. I had always believed that taking the initiative …