Jenna Johnson – Donald Trump Reveals His Favorite Bible Passage—Which He Made Up

Nearly three weeks after Donald Trump was first asked to name his favorite Bible verse, he finally has an answer: He likes what the Book of Proverbs says about not bending to envy.

“Proverbs, the chapter ‘never bend to envy,'” Trump said in an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network’s “The Brody File” on Tuesday evening in California. “I’ve had that thing all of my life where people are bending to envy.” It was not clear whether Trump appreciated the passage because he had struggled with envy personally, or whether he was referring to envy he had experienced from others.

It also wasn’t clear which verse the Republican front-runner was talking about: A search of several of the most-used standard versions of the Bible did not turn up any verse or chapter that urges people not to “bend to envy.”

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