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The Hidden Hand: The Forces that Control Your Lives – 4 CD Set

$79.99 $39.99

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In the 21st century Americans are becoming increasingly confused and worried about who or what controls our government in Washington. Who creates the bills and laws and for whose benefit? The people or private interests and a ruling corporate elite?  Why has the federal government and its agencies become increasing secretive, closing down the gateways for transparency?  This veil of secrecy, operating outside public discourse and behind closed doors with complete impunity is a Hidden Hand. The Hidden Hand is known by many names: the Deep State, the Shadow Government or a government within the government. It is a broad matrix of separate powerful entities, with enormous wealth and influence, working in unison outside the rules of Constitutional and federal law. It includes the Pentagon, the US intelligence agencies such as the CIA and NSA, Homeland Security, multinational banks, the private military industrial complex and private security firms, Silicon Valley and the upper echelons of mainstream media.

For several decades, the White House and Congress have carried out domestic and international agendas and strategies opposed to the immediate needs of the American people. The question is whether the Deep State, the Hidden Hand, is imposing its interests on Washington or whether the Deep State’s interests are now no different than Washington. The vast majority of Americans oppose the direction the nation is headed. It opposes our wars and our adventures into regime change around the world; it opposes preferential treatment to a multinational elite only interested in greater wealth. And it opposes legislation that erodes and destroys the economic and social fabric of American society, impoverishing citizens, and making the country a far less safer place to live, thrive and raise a family.

To educate the public, Gary Null has conduced a series of deeply insightful interviews with people who intimately know the Hidden Hand. These are brave individuals who have either been part of the Deep State or have directly challenged its immense power. It is urgent that people understand what the shadows controlling government, who it serves and its impact upon their everyday lives. Only then can we become a positive, proactive force to restore democracy in the future.

CD1: What is the Deep State and the role of the CIA
– Kevin Shipp, former CIA official of counter-intelligence and counter-terrorism

CD 2: The Deep State in Trump’s Presidency

– Prof. Melvin Goodman, former CIA and State Department official

CD3:  How the Hidden Hand Threatens Our Civil Rights and Liberties

– Danny Sheehan, world renown public interest attorney
The Demise of our Constitutional Rights – John Whitehead, Constitutional lawyer

CD4:  The Deep State and our Wars in the Middle East

– Vanessa Beeley, British investigative journalist covering Syria on the ground

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Weight 9.6 oz
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