Descriptions- EXPAT FILES SHOW #738- FRI, MAR 02- (03-02-2018): #1- The Latin sense of Humor: What Latinos find funny and humorous truly escapes most of…
Bren Smith is the Executive Director of GreenWave , an ocean farmer and fisherman-run organization, dedicated to supporting a new generation of ocean farmers and…
The October 8 discussion on Warrior Connection was about alternative treatments such as acupuncture and tens unit use with Dr. Lisa Conboy, MA, MS, ScD; Instructor in Medicine, Part-time, Director…
Apparently, a richer diet is associated with an increase in the middle class, which tends towards economic and political independence and democracy-fostering values. Andrey Shcherbak,…
In episode 118, David interviews James Ottar Grundvig, author of “Master Manipulator”. The subject of his book is Poul Thorsen, both a critical player in…
There is an all-enclosing commons-economy which has been successful for billions of years: the biosphere. Its ecology is the terrestrial household of energy, matter, beings,…
A Russian heatwave has activated long-dormant anthrax bacteria in Siberia, sickening at least 13 people and killing one boy and more than 2,300 reindeer. According…
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has arguably been the most utilized tool of imperial war since the Soviet Union fell in 1991. Ironically, the sole purpose of…