Will Allen, Director of Holy Hell, a documentary covering his life inside an eastern based spiritual cult, based on 22 years of his archival footage.
Will Allen starting making films in southern CA as a teenager. After earning his film degree from Southern Methodist University, in Texas, he ended up living inside a guru-based society for 22 years, where he continuously made films about the world in which he lived.
New Study Reveals What 15 Minutes On Your Cell Phone Actually Does To Your Brain
A common trend in recent human history is this: we think something isn’t harmful, but find out it really is years after its introduction into the global marketplace. Cigarettes are the most obvious example, but the use of cell phones may very well become just as vilified. We now live in an era where children born today are introduced to cell phones and …
Lloyd Burrell – 15 minutes on your cell phone can alter brain structure and function, new study reveals
A new clinical study has found that just 15 minutes of cell phone talk time radiation exposure can alter the structure and function of the brain, including brain wave activity that is connected to cognition, mood and behavior. Thirty-one healthy females took part in the study, published in PLOS ONE; all participants were measured twice. On one of the days, …
How much student testing is too much? – RENEE SCHOOF
If it’s springtime, it must be standardized testing time in schools across the country. It’s also when the debate over whether students are inundated with too many tests becomes hot. Experts say testing is up. Parents who want their children to skip the tests say their ranks are growing. Lawmakers say they’re hearing a loud message about too much unnecessary …