Why Stress Rules Our Lives

Objectively, adult lives are more comfortable, less physically demanding, and easier than those in the past. Ourhealth is far better, our life expectancy much longer, our standard of living visibly higher. Our jobs are less taxing physically. We have a safety net, which, whatever its inadequacies, is more extensive than anything that previously existed. Yet, by most measures, adults feel morestress than …

We millennials lack a roadmap to adulthood

Life is often referred to as a “highway”, to borrow from Tom Cochrane, and for my generation that hasn’t changed. “Adulthood today lacks a well-defined roadmap”, writes Steven Mintz, in his forthcoming book The Prime of Life. “Today, individuals must define or negotiate their roles and relationships without clear rules or precedents to follow”. This is especially true for us …

Adults only really catch flu about twice a decade, suggests study

Adults over the age of 30 only catch flu about twice a decade, a new study suggests. Flu-like illness can be caused by many pathogens, making it difficult to assess how often people are infected by influenza. Researchers analysed blood samples from volunteers in Southern China, looking at antibody levels against nine different influenza strains that circulated from 1968 to …