#1- Jack Brett’s brand new second edition of “Fast Spanish” is now available for FREE, but only to Expat Files listeners. Yes there are good, bad, ugly and great ways to learn Spanish. Jack Brett’s 110 page “boots on the ground” lean- mean guide to learning Spanish describes the fastest, most economical and efficient learning methods out there today. He’s …
Focus On The Facts – 11.06.17
Guest was investigative journalist and my partner in crime in taking down the Global Pedophile Network, Patricia Negron. We covered the latest details on the destruction and take down of the Global Pedophile Network – from all the Hollywood celebrities to the politicians in Washington and Saudi Arabia to the journalists and reporters in the MSM – and discussed the …
Let’s Create A Better World – 10.25.17
One of our most popular guests Ellie Laks of the Gentle Barn speaks about her dream about having an animal sanctuary and how anilmals give lots of love to children. Along with host Bobby Elias, the subject becomes change, the problems of the world and solutions. Anilmals are healers, teachers and angles. Download this episode (right click and save)
Expat Files – 10.20.17
#1- When Gringos go “Native”. A small percentage do go native and its generally a sad thing to see, but not always. The signs are obvious- perpetually disheveled, sweaty, same smudged baggy shirt and pants, raggedy old sandals, slightly odoriferous. And bad smells prevail in the native gringo’s house too- the scent of dogs, cats, garbage and driveway chickens. Look …
Expat Files – 10.08.17
#1- Shipping Container Houses: everything you wanted to know about planning such projects in Latin America- the pros the cons, the good the bad and the ugly. Its odd that there are containers galore “south of the border”. They’re everywhere yet Latins are not constructing container homes or even thinking about the possibilities. If you try to bring up the …
Expat Files – 09.15.17
#1- Living in earthquake territory; Mexico just had an 8.2- the strongest there in 100years. Today we have some tips, advice and lessons learned about living working playing and/or retiring in earthquake country #2- The many problems involved in owning a beach house or island property: a cautionary tale. It can be great fun (with bragging rites) at first, but …
The Gary Null Show – 09.12.17
Today is September 12th and like always The Gary Null Show is here to inform you on the best news in health, healing, the environment and all things political around the world. Gary goes into how The US Drug Companies Completely Own Our Mainstream Media every major media outlet in the United States shares at least one board member with at least …
Heart of Mind Radio – 08.26.17
Heart of Mind, Radio for the New Millennium, A central source for health, consciousness, spirituality and self-liberation. Hosted by Kathryn Davis. On today’s program, Kathryn offers a discussion about the nature of our Inner-net, Inner-standing and Inner-signs. Starting with a look at Hopi prophecy of “Nine Signs” and the Hopi Prophecy Stone. And in the context of the Aztec, Maya prophecy, inherent in their …
Leid Stories—Heed This Warning! FREE YOUR MIND!—08.25.17
Another week in Bizarro Land. Another week of peddling fast but going nowhere. We’re still looking for answers in all the wrong places and from all the wrong people. It’s “Free Your Mind Friday,” our weekly open forum, on Leid Stories. Let your light dispel the darkness that surrounds us. Call 888-874-4888. Download this episode (right click and save)
Leid Stories—The Clintons’ Legal Troubles Keep Growing, As Are Efforts to Shield Them from Probes and Prosecution—07.12.17
Charles Ortel is back with us today to report his latest forensic findings on The Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Foundation—which he calls “the largest unprosecuted fraud in U.S. history.” The former Wall Street banker, who blew the whistle on major U.S. corporations engaging in massive stock fraud during the 2007-2008 crash, has set his sights fully on charity fraud, now …