Meria Heller Show – 05.01.16

Born In the 1940’s We Remember with Meria Heller and Jim Fetzer.

Remember when we trusted government? Rigged elections, Bernie & Trump, Hillary and Libya, 9/11/01 the excuse to destabilize 7 countries, Chelsea on 2nd Amendment and her mother, Iran, AIPAC, Obamacare-premiums rising, Dental care? Where are the required handicapped parked spots at Sandy Hook? Where were the EMT’s/ambulances? Adam Lanza’s shrink arrested, Boston-9/11, Sandy Hook, San Bernardino-gun control, The 28 pages/Saudi Arabia/Obama, Las Vegas then and now, San Diego then and now, Trumps foreign policy speech, Tritium and other nuclear chemicals at Ground Zero, Cruz/Fiorina? Adulterer and Evangelical? Cyber attacks and much more.

Sarah Lazare – Here’s What Happens When a U.S. Senator Calls for Israel to Be Held Accountable for Atrocities

U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy has piqued the temper of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and faces a rebuke from within his own party after demanding for an investigation into “gross violations of human rights” by Israel and Egypt, the top recipients of American military aid. Released just days after an Israeli soldier was recorded [3] extra-judicially assassinating a wounded Palestinian man in the …

RALPH NADER – Hillary’s Latest Bow to AIPAC

It is well known to Washington political observers that politicians invited to speak at the annual, giant AIPAC convention ask for suggested talking points from this powerful pro-Israeli government lobby. Hillary Clinton’s pandering speech must have registered close to 100% on AIPAC’s checklist. Of course, both parties pander to AIPAC to such depths of similar obeisance that reporters have little …

Meria Heller Show – 03.27.16

Born in the 1940’s We Remember, with Meria and Jim Fetzer. Brussels attack, Was it staged? Sandy Hook, Boston, 11-22-63; Trump & Hillary’s speeches at AIPAC; Bernie (the only Jew) didn’t attend; Trump blamed Muslims for 9/11 instead of Israel,MOSSAD,CIA etc; Is the EU at war now? will this speech strengthen Trump? blaming Iran; Cuba & Obama; corporate takeover; Chris Matthews on JFK & Cuba;attacks on Jim; suing the media for lies about Sandy Hook; 9/11 Planes? Jeff Bauman? Boston lies; Ted Cruz;Is Bernie the second coming? Trump & Hillary vs.U.N/Iran/Palestinians; Israel the apartheid state home of false flags;stabbing Obama in the back and lots more.

Phil Butler – The Hidden Purpose of ISIL: A New King of Libya

A few weeks back NEO ran an article that revealed the doublespeak of western conflict resolution. A telling look at an NGO known as the International Crisis Group showed clearly the tangled web of control mechanisms in place to skew policy and to mislead the public. Today the “crisis” has migrated once again, from Syria back to a the chaos exerted onto …

American elections ranked worst among Western democracies. Here’s why.

The world is currently transfixed by the spectacle of American elections. From New York, London and Paris to Beijing, Moscow, and Sydney there is endless heated debate in the news media and across dinner tables about the factors fueling the remarkable success of Donald Trump, speculation about a brokered convention shattering the old GOP, and the most likely outcome of a polarizing Trump-Clinton battle …

Paul Farhi – NPR starts ‘Trump Training’ to deal with threats

Donald Trump’s campaign events have apparently become such a minefield for reporters that one major news organization has taken the extraordinary step of offering its correspondents a version of training for dealing with real minefields. NPR has sent its political reporters to 90-minute hostile-environment awareness training, which in its typical form lasts a few days and prepares journalists for covering …

Progressive Commentary Hour – 03.22.16

Robert Parry is one of our leading progressive investigative journalists best known for his uncovering Iran-Contra story and Oliver North’s involvement which earned him the George Polk Award for National Reporting in 1984. He is currently the senior editor and writes for Consortium News. Bob has covered many important stories including breaking the first story about the Nicaragan contra-cocaine connection in 1985, right wing terrorism, the demise of American media, the Bush and Obama presidencies, the rise and influence of the Neocons and our wars overseas. In the past he has worked as a journalist for the Associated Press, Newsweek and PBS Frontline. He has written several books, his latest being “America’s Stolen Narrative: From Washington and Madison to Nixon, Reagan and the Bushes to Obama”

His website is

Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss is an American Haredi Rabbi, human rights and religious activist and the spokesperson for Neturei Karta (Net-oor-ay Car-tah) – also known as Orthodox Jews United Against Zionism — in Brooklyn and Monsey New York. Neturei Karta is a Jewish group opposing the state of Israel and the Zionist agenda that pretends to be representative of the spiritual values in religious Judaism and the Torah. It was founded in Jerusalem in 1938 when a group of Orthodox rabbis refused to recognize the authority of what would later become the state of Israel. Rabbi Weiss is the son of Hungarian Jews; both of his grandparents died at the Auschwitz camp during the war. He is also a sharp critic of Jewish and Israeli efforts to use the Holocaust as a weapon to increase sympathy for political and economic advantage. He is highly respected within the Muslim and Palestinian communities for his efforts to advance interfaith dialogue between religions. The rabbi’s writings can be found on the Neturei Karta website at

Go inside the link for the great You Tube Clips Gary Null played.