iEat Green – Gabriela Álvarez – Liberation Cuisine – 05.24.18

Gabriela Àlvarez is the chef and founder of Liberation Cuisine. Liberation Cuisine was founded in 2014 with the intention of nourishing movements for social change, using sustainable ingredients and practices. Gabriela began cooking after studying Community Health at Brown University. The kitchen became her way to tackle health disparities and inequalities in the food system, while still maintaining a focus …

Meria Heller – Stars R Us with Meria and Joseph Anthony – 08.06.17

8/7/17 Stars R Us, with Meria and Joseph Anthony. The astrology for the US, the planet and you for August. 2 eclipses from the same family this month  – directly through the United States – what will it mean for us? expect the unexpected;Mercury goes retrograde the 12th until Sept 5; “let the show begin”; changes to the US never seen before;Carl Calleman on …

Leid Stories—Trump Aims to Break Obama’s Deportation Record; Introduces Idea of ‘Merit-Based’ Immigration Plan—08.03.17

Download this episode (right click and save) President Donald Trump yesterday announced his solution to America’s immigration problem: the RAISE (Reforming American Immigration for Strong Employment) Act. It will ramp up deportation of illegals in the United States and grant legal status to others based on “merit.” The bill, co-authored by U.S. senators Tom Cotton (Ark.) and David Perdue (La.), could …

Leid Stories—Hate As Policy: Trump’s Transgender Military Ban; Does It Matter If Sessions Quits Or Is Fired?—07.27.17

President Donald Trump’s stunning announcement yesterday that transgender people will be banned from all parts of the military set off a torrent of negative reaction across the country. “After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military. …

Global Alert News – 04.29.17

On countless fronts the rate of change currently unfolding in our biosphere is beyond true comprehension. So few understand (or even want to understand) the severity and immediacy of the growing challenges that we must collectively face if we are to survive much longer on this planet. More and more data is surfacing about the dangers of atmospheric particulate pollution …

Giant Middle East dust storm caused by a changing climate, not human conflict

In August 2015, a dust storm blanketed large areas of seven Middle East nations in a haze of dust and sand thick enough to obscure them from satellite view. The storm led to several deaths, thousands of cases of respiratory ailments and injuries, and canceled airline flights and closed ports. At the time, the storm’s unusual severity was attributed to …

Jonathan Marshall – How World War III Could Start

If humanity ever suffers a Third World War, chances are good it will start in some locale distant from the United States like the Baltic or South China Seas, the Persian Gulf, or Syria, where Washington and its rivals play daily games of “chicken” with lethal air and naval forces. Far from enhancing U.S. security, the aggressive deployment of U.S. …

Edwin Cartlidge – Has a Hungarian physics lab found a fifth force of nature?

A laboratory experiment in Hungary has spotted an anomaly in radioactive decay that could be the signature of a previously unknown fifth fundamental force of nature, physicists say – if the finding holds up. Attila Krasznahorkay at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences’s Institute for Nuclear Research in Debrecen, Hungary, and his colleagues reported their surprising result in 2015 on the arXiv …