New York’s Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum unveiled its phenomenal and must experience multisensory exhibition, ‘The Senses: Design Beyond Vision’ and Michele Spitz, Philanthropist and Voice-Over Artist joins Mark to explain this cutting edge technology that includes her voice and donation which highlights how multisensory design can solve problems and enhance life for everyone by amplifying their ability to receive …

The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 09.06.17

John Read PhD is a psychologist who has taught and researched in Great Britain, Australia and the US.  He has taken on many of the most important mental health issues of our time:  the role of neglect and abuse in all so-called mental disorders, the role of trauma in hearing voices, the dreadful impact of long-term exposure to antidepressants, the harm of …

The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 04.12.17

          Robert Whitaker calls himself a journalist but I believe he is one of the most important scientists in the world today based on his scientific analyses of the flaws in what passes for research in psychiatry. He is also an insightful social critic.  More than that, he is a major figure in the promotion of genuinely …

Ian Johnston – People with early signs of Alzheimer’s more than seven times more likely to be lonely

Loneliness could be a factor in Alzheimer’s disease, according to new research. Researchers used brain-imaging techniques to determine levels of amyloid – a protein associated with the disease – in the brains of a group of 79 apparently healthy people with an average age of 76. They then compared this to a test designed to find out how lonely someone …

LOA Today – 12.17.15

Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away, the Law of Attraction hadn’t even been invented yet. Or had it? Maybe they called it something else. Maybe they called it The Force.

This week on LOA Today in celebration of the premiere of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, we explore the similarities between the Law of Attraction and the Force.

The Force will be with you, always!

Interview with Robert Clancy – Author, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Soul – 12.17.15

Robert Clancy is a gifted entrepreneur, inspirational speaker, author and minister. At 19, Robert had a divine spiritual experience that greatly altered his life. In 2012 he started “Robert Clancy – Guide to the Soul” Facebook fan page where he shares his divinely inspired thoughts, now followed by over 250,000 people worldwide. Robert is the author of the acclaimed book, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Soul. Robert supports ongoing volunteerism within his business and everyday life, he inspires his team and encourages professional leaders to step up and give back.

What ‘runners’ high’ tells us about drug addiction

The pleasure and reward centers of the brain are activated similarly by dangerous drugs as well as by exercise, which is why therapies to treat drug addiction often include lots of exercise. Scientists say activating these pleasure and reward receptors in the brain could provide the “reward” of dangerous drugs without having to consume those drugs. The team at the …

Addiction is not a disease: A neuroscientist argues that it’s time to change our minds on the roots of substance abuse – LAURA MILLER

The mystery of addiction — what it is, what causes it and how to end it — threads through most of our lives. Experts estimate that one in 10 Americans is dependent on alcohol and other drugs, and if we concede that behaviors like gambling, overeating and playing video games can be addictive in similar ways, it’s likely that everyone …

Why Are American Doctors Killing Themselves In Record Numbers?

Recent reports have indicated that doctors in America are killing themselves in record numbers, and also suffer from drug and alcohol abuse at a rate significantly higher than your average person. Many people will write this off as a result of long hours or the stress of the job, but it is also possible that many of these doctors are …