John Hogan – Dear “Skeptics,” Bash Homeopathy and Bigfoot Less, Mammograms and War More

Yesterday I spoke at the Northeast Conference on Science and Skepticism, NECSS, a “celebration of science and critical thinking” held May 12-15 in New York City. Philosopher Massimo Pigliucci, whom I met recently, got me invited, and he might regret that, because I decided to treat the skeptics skeptically. I originally titled my talk “Skepticism: Hard Versus Soft Targets.” The references …

Mounting data suggest antibacterial soaps do more harm than good

Whether you’re coming home from an airport fluttering with international germs, a daycare full of sticky-fingered toddlers, or just a grimy office building, scrubbing your hands with bacteria-busting soap seems like a great idea. But the data that have washed up on the cleansers in recent years suggest that they actually do more harm than good—for you, those around you, …

BENEDIKT JUST – This Forgotten Remedy Can Detox The Heart And Nervous System

There is compelling indication that the best plant remedy for heart disease was already discovered over 150 years ago. Unfortunately, today even alternative medicine has forgotten about ouabain. A brief summary of the ‘ouabain story’… In 1861, on the famous Livingstone expedition in Africa, the English botanist John Kirk experienced the sudden disappearance of his heart problems after brushing his …

Ask Beatty – 02.29.16

Alternative Medicine….Case Study

You visit one doctor after another, looking for symptom relief. But not only do your symptoms persist, but you are told that your problems are idiopathic.
My guest today is Dr. Serena Goldstein, a Naturopath in private practice in NYC. Her insight will give you alternative ways to think about your treatment, whatever your issues may be.

Rhino, tiger and snow leopard DNA found in Chinese medicines

More should be done to stop the use of endangered species in traditional Chinese medicines, with snow leopard, tiger and rhinoceros DNA still being found in remedies, according to a leading University of Adelaide pathologist. In an article published in the journal Forensic Science Medicine and Pathology, Professor Roger Byard, from the University’s School of Medicine, has shown that traditional Chinese …

Mysterious Honey Discovered That Kills All Bacteria Scientists Throw At It

The health benefits of raw, unprocessed honey are well known, but in Australia, scientists recently made a startling discovery – that one particular, obscure type of honey is capable of killing just about everything scientists throw at it, including some of the worst bacteria known to man. The findings were published in the European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases …

War on Natural Medicine Continues

If a mainstay treatment of natural medicine doctors is shown to be safe and effective by government research, what do you do? Ban it! Action Alert! Congress passed the Drug Quality and Security Act in response to bad medicine from a rogue compounded-drug company, which the FDA had known about and refused to shut down. The FDA, ever the opportunist, and …

Kelly Brogan – Immunity: The Emerging Truth

In Humble Awe of Human Complexity Eastern wisdom tells us that when we think we know, we don’t. But when we admit ignorance, we achieve enlightenment. The most profound part of my departure from conventional medicine has been the depths of my surrender to all that we do not, cannot, and must not understand about the body and its experience. Humble …