NDC Savings Club – 11.04.15

Today Show: Crystals

Guest Speaker: Michael Eggleston http://www.innervisioncrystals.net/

InnerVision Crystals was founded in Spring 2006, Specializing in Moldavite, Phenakite, Herkimer Diamonds & Lemurian Quartz.
I had a passion for working with these 4 crystals and decided to specialize primarily in these. Over nearly 10 years I have made my way to the source for each of the stones, offering Wholesale & single specimens.
Since then IVC has grown to offer a very wide range of beautiful crystals, gemstones and minerals. Being at the source allows me to operate on a very unique level and offer a very deep inventory of amazing stones.

Let’s Create A Better World – 10.31.15

On the Bobby Elias show today, co-host Stefan Rudolph discusses health and wellness topics with Nathan Crane. Nathan is an award winning author, inspirational speaker, conscious filmmaker, and highly sought after publisher and promoter of personal growth teachings, books, events and training courses. Our topics on the show include sustainability of our earth and resources, discussion on the foods we eat, steps in living an abundant fulfilled life and taking your wealth and wellness to the next level through education and awareness. Also, Nathan’s launch of his upcoming summit “The Search for Sustainability”. Nathan Crane is the founder of the Panacea Companies including The Panacea Community, Panacea Publishing, Inc., Panacea Life School, and Panacea Hope and impacts and transforms hundreds of thousands of lives worldwide.

Fearless Parent Radio – On Yogi Parenting – 10.28.15

Wouldn’t life be easier if you just knew how to raise your kids? No endless hours on the internet, frantic calls to friends and family, expensive and tedious appointments with doctors and experts, stacks of books to collect?

There certainly aren’t many parents who can claim to navigate the challenges of family life and child rearing with the trifecta of wisdom, grace, and evidence-based research, but Sarah Kamrath is one of them.

Tune in to hear about her path to parenting from a space of inner knowledge, informed by her experience as a parent, researcher, writer, filmmaker, doula, and yogi:

What is a parent’s most important parenting tool?
What are top priorities for a healthy pregnancy and birth?
What information is needed to avoid unnecessary interventions?
Why kundalini yoga, what is it, and how did it change your marriage and parenting?
How is your parenting different from what you read and see in the mainstream?
Tell us about your goals and approaches for educating your children? How do they like it and how does it impact their social lives?
What hopes do you have for humanity when it comes to parenting and family life?

NDC Savings Club – 10.28.15

Today Show: Chinese Medicine

Guest Speaker: Dr. Jason Elias, MA, LMT http://fiveelementhealing.net/

Jason Elias is here to introduce the power of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the Five Element Healing approach to wellness. Each element, and the corresponding season of the year it embodies, brings us its special gifts and challenges. His website has been intentionally designed to highlight these elements and illuminate their relationship to the natural healing of the body, mind, and spirit. The Five Element system of healing is based on the presence of inner energy which, when flowing rightly, promotes health, and when blocked, can develop disease. In my forty years of practice, I have found that when the body is carefully nurtured, it has the innate wisdom to heal itself.

New Series: The Flow of Energy Systems.

Recap commentary of last week show: Qi – Gong

What Women Must Know – How to Activate Your Cancer Protective Genes with Targeted Nutrition with Chris Neville – 10.22.15

Leading research has discovered that there are specific nutrients that can talk directly to your genes to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, the major causes of chronic illness and aging. Learn which nutrients are recommended to be part of everyone’s core optimal health program.

Christopher Neville’s company BioPhotonix Innovations is involved with ongoing research and product development, focused on the latest scientific findings for longevity and regeneration along with supporting the emergence of ‘green’ energy technologies. Chris has over 25 years of experience in wellness, advertising and marketing. He is VP Product Development for an innovative wellness company based in LA. Over the course of his career, Chris has worked with numerous well-known supplement, whole-food and bioenergetics technology-based companies in a wide-range of roles, including: Vice President, Asian Pacific, and Director, Australia and New Zealand. He has been actively involved with innovative formulation development, strategic marketing, and setting up a million dollar production-line facility for the manufacture and global distribution of health products.

Chris is an advocate for the wisdom and practices from ancient traditions, with a deep respect for the Aborigines of Australia and other First Nations. He also has a great appreciation for the principles and practices of Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine.

To learn more the best broccoli extract products and formulations, please contact drsellman@whatwomenmustknow.com or visit www.clar8ty.com/drs

Energy Stew – Answers your life questions with intuition. – 10.16.15

This is an opportunity to see how my intuition can be of help to you. I’ll spend a few minutes with each person and you’ll be amazed at how much I can tell you about your situation in that short time.

I can answer questions about a lot of different things from family issues to health to work issues as so much of the information doesn’t come from my own brain but rather from a higher consciousness.

Many of you have been students or clients in the past so you already know how I work. It’s a half hour show and I’d love to hear from you.

Interview with Jill Talve, Clinical Ayurveda Specialist and Pancha Karma specialist – 10.15.15

Jill Talve is a Clinical Ayurveda Specialist and Pancha Karma specialist. She is the owner/operator of EverVeda, an Ayurveda wellness Center in Oyster Bay, Long Island, NY. EverVeda offers Ayurvedic Consultations, healing therapies, custom herbal medicines, Pancha Karma, cooking classes and a Meals that Heal© program, prepared meals specifically designed for the individual wishing to optimize their health. She is also on the faculty of California College of Ayurveda and a certified Yoga Instructor.

Jill is determined to give the best Ayurvedic care possible to those she is given the privilege to see, combining the past, present and future of healing in all its forms.

The Natural Nurse And Dr. Z – 10.13.15

Topic: Iodine – why we need it.

Ellen Kamhi PhD, RN, www.naturalnurse.com, interviews Maggie Martakis, founder of Maggies Holistics NY. Dissatisfied with conventional treatments while trying to heal her son’s health issues, as well as her own, Maggie Martakis sought a holistic approach. She discovered that we are exposed daily to radiation, fluorine, chlorine and bromine chemicals, as they can be found in many of our foods, soft drinks, toothpastes, pools, water, air and household chemicals. These chemicals and heavy metals accumulate and get stored in our body interfering with thyroid function, the endocrine glandular system and can cause calcification of our pineal gland (aka third eye) lowering our IQ. Healthy levels of iodine help prevent toxic build up of these chemicals and with proper diet assists our cells to take in the proper nutrients and minerals. Additional health benefits include increased energy and weight loss. Using this knowledge enabled her to successfully tackle her family’s health issues holistically. The founder of Maggie’s Holistics, NYC, Maggie is a holistic healer, certified in Reiki and Kundalini yoga with a degree in the Sciences and Art History. She is also currently studying Ayurvedic Medicine.

Contact: http://www.maggiesholisticsny.com/

Let’s Create A Better World – 09.26.15

Dr. Paul Drouin is a Canadian M.D., as well as a Homeopath, Acupuncturist, Quantum Naturopath, and Professor of Integrative Medicine. He has dedicated his life to the promotion of natural health, the prevention of disease, and to bringing a greater depth and understanding to Quantum Medicine and alternative methods to further his knowledge of curative, preventive, and Integrative Medicine. He …

It’s Our Money with Ellen Brown – It’s Nature’s Way of Telling You – 09.16.15

The evolution of financial systems is seldom matched with the evolution of biological systems, just as Western medicine has too long ignored nature’s own abilities to heal and sustain personal health. In both cases imposition of monetary control over these systems ignores signposts and laws that can lead to doom. Ellen speaks with co-author, physician and pharmacist Dr. Lynne Walker about the institutional hypocrisy that drives profits over people’s health, while co-host Walt McRee reviews Jamie Brown’s groundbreaking work on the wisdom of mimicking nature when designing new sustainable economic systems.