The draconian programs that the Trump administration has vowed to implement to curb illegal immigration into the United States are having ripple effect elsewhere in the hemisphere. Several Central and South American countries are doing thee same, expelling hundreds of thousands who previously were welcomed under a number of national and international humanitarian compacts but now want their foreign guests …
Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 04.13.18
NUKE REACTORS ARE SHUTTING & ELECTIONS ARE BEING STOLEN. We start in Solartopia with legendary activists TIM JUDSON and KEVIN KAMPS telling us about TWENTY (of 100) US nuke reactors on the brink of shut-down and/or being bailed out. Challenges everywhere are being waged by a wide range of grassroots environmental and consumer organizations Four reactors in northern Ohio and …
Heart of Mind Radio – 04.07.18
On today’s Heart of Mind, Radio for the NEW Millennium, host Kathryn Davis is joined by four presenters of the upcoming Annual World Peace Earth Day Celebration, comingSaturday April 21 in New York City, including: Andrew Kaen, founder and executive Producer of Planet Heart’s Annual World Peace Earth Day Celebration; Barbara Biziou, a global wisdom keeper and an innovative agent of change and transformation; Jodi Serota, a life-changing metaphysical …
The Plutocracy Report – 03.30.18
In this weeks show Vince starts off talking about what hes noticing in nature from his little part of the world and what we’re seeing with the insect population. Then he mentions a candidate for senate in Michigan that supports giving shotguns to homeless people but has a great foreign policy platform and gets in to the Illinois governor race where a multi …
It’s All About Food – Nil Zacharias, Eat for the Planet – 03.20.18
GUEST: Nil Zacharias, Eat for the Planet Nil Zacharias is the cofounder and editor in chief of One Green Planet, which is one of the largest and fastest-growing independent digital media platforms in the food sustainability and green space. He lives in New York City. Download this episode (right click and save)
Expat Files – 03.18.18
Descriptions- EXPAT FILES SHOW #743- SUN, MAR 18- (03-18-2018): #1- School shootings in Latin America: Do they happen south of the border too? If so how frequently. Yes they do happen but the way they happen and the circumstances will certainly surprise you…  #2- Owning guns and ammo in Latin America: Yes you can. Here are the general rules, …
Heart of Mind Radio – 12.23.17
On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio, host Kathryn Davis speaks to Aracely Brown, Program Director at the New York Open Center to discuss a FREE introductory event on Thursday January 18th, 6:00 – 7:30 PM and a 5-Part Series at the Open Center, January 25-February 22: Download this episode (right click and save) Qigong Remedy Practices & Routines for Self-Healing  Connections Below ————————————— Kathryn’s Meditation & Movement for …
iEat Green – Lorrie Clevenger – 12.21.17
Download this episode (right click and save)Lorrie Clevenger is an organic farmer and co-owner of Rise & Root Farm in Chester, NY. She is the Development Coordinator for WhyHunger, a national nonprofit organization, connecting people to nutritious, affordable food while supporting grassroots solutions that inspire self-reliance and community empowerment. Prior to owning Rise & Root Farm, Lorrie spent two years farming in Santa Cruz …
Connect The Dots – Unfractured – 11.08.17
Unfractured: Listen to Sandra Steingraber, biologist, award-winning author of Raising Elijah, and activist leader of New Yorkers Against Fracking, speaking on the human side of activism as revealed in the new film, Unfractured, which portrays her work to achieve the 2014 New York State fracking ban—with Chanda Chavannes, the film’s director— in conversation with Alison Rose Levy. Download this episode …
Ask Beatty – 10.23.17
BEATTY talked about the 3 things that we must DO if we hope to have a successful and healthy relationship.There are no shortcuts. She also spoke about the signs and behaviors that indicate if you are in an abusive relationship.  She stressed the importance of reaching out for help. No need to try and solve your problems on your own. …