Focus on the Facts – 08.08.16

The guests were David Shurter and Pat Goodwin, Satanic Ritual Abuse survivors who were tortured in the MKUltra program. Pat is also the founder of Ivory Garden, an online survivor support group, and she will host the Seattle Trauma and Dissociation conference on October 7th. They discussed the importance of exposing the pedophilia and human trafficking of children in the US and gave current statistics on the number of children involved and the people and government agencies and institutions that enable it to continue. This issue must be exposed and these children must be saved.

How scared of death are we really – and how does it affect us?

If death is the final taboo, it might not be for much longer. There has, in recent years, been increasing effort to promote conversations about death and dying, both in the home and in more public settings. For example, death cafes, first launched in Switzerland in 2004, have spread around the world, enabling people to speak about their fears over cake and coffee. …