Ghost Cities of China by Wade Shepard review – unpopulated replica towns explained – Owen Hatherly

One of the many under‑populated cities visited in this book is Hallstatt, on the outskirts of Huizhou, in Guangdong province. It is a precise copy of Hallstatt in Upper Austria. “The resemblance to the real Hallstatt went down to the smallest detail … the sounds of birds tweeting were playing throughout the streets from hidden speakers … and The Sound of Music soundtrack played on an …

Council on Foreign Relations’ Grand Strategy: China Must Be Defeated, The TPP Is Essential to Undermining China – Eric Zuesse

Wall Street’s Council on Foreign Relations has issued a major report, alleging that China must be defeated because it threatens to become a bigger power in the world than the U.S. This report, which is titled “Revising U.S. Grand Strategy Toward China,” is introduced by Richard Haass, the CFR’s President, who affirms the report’s view that, “no relationship will matter more when …

The New York Times deploys to Nepal – For What Real Purpose? – Bill Van Auken

“First comes the missionary, then the soldier,” was an old maxim borne out by the bitter experience of a century of bloody colonial conquest in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. The missionaries are still at it, particularly in lands where souls can be bought most cheaply, but they hardly play the role allotted to them in the 19th century. …

How TPP Increases Corporate Power vs. Government — And Us – Dave Johnson

Power is the ability to control, to tell what to do, to get your way. Corporations have a lot of power over working people in our country now, and they might be about to get a lot more. The proponents of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) tell us that it will have unprecedented “progressive” protections for the rights of working people, …

Global Capitalism and the Global Police State: Crisis of Humanity and the Specter of 21st Century Fascism – Prof William I. Robinson

The world capitalist system is arguably experiencing the worst crisis in its 500 year history. World capitalism has experienced a profound restructuring through globalisation over the past few decades and has been transformed in ways that make it fundamentally distinct from its earlier incarnations. Similarly, the current crisis exhibits features that set it apart from earlier crises of the system …

China is a “major driver” of environmental degradation in Latin America – Robert Soutar

China’s increased trade and investment in Latin America over the past decade has resulted in powerful social and environmental impacts such as job losses and pollution, although the growing relationship has also brought some benefits, says new research published today. The high concentration of Chinese activity in Latin America’s agriculture and extractive sectors has placed a heavy strain on water …

How Corporate America Invented Christian America – KEVIN M. KRUSE

In December 1940, as America was emerging from the Great Depression, more than 5,000 industrialists from across the nation made their yearly pilgrimage to the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City, convening for the annual meeting of the National Association of Manufacturers. The program promised an impressive slate of speakers: titans at General Motors, General Electric, Standard Oil, Mutual Life, …

New Silk Road Meets Eurasian Union – Pepe Escobar

Any — exceptionalist — wishful thinking that Russia and China will abandon their solid “win-win” strategic partnership, fully crafted to their mutual national interests, was dispelled by a crucial visit to Moscow by Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi. In Moscow, Wang stressed both Russia’s Look East policy and China’s Go West — which essentially encompass the massive New Silk Road(s) project — …

Russia to join China-backed development bank: official

Russia is to sign up to the Chinese-led development bank AIIB, first deputy prime minister Igor Shuvalov said Saturday at an international forum in China, cited by Russian news agencies. “I’d like to inform you that Russian President Vladimir Putin has taken the decision that Russia will participate in the capital of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB),” Shuvalov said …

America’s European “Allies” Desert Obama, Join China-led Infrastructure Bank

It appears the sea of de-dollarization has reached the shores of Europe. With Australia and UK having already moved in the direction of joining the China-led AIIB, The FT reports that France, Germany, and Italy have now all agreed to join the development bank as ‘pivot to Asia’ appears to be Plan B for Europe. As Greg Sheridan previously noted, “the saga of the China Bank …