DAVID MASCI – About one-fifth of adults globally have no formal schooling

In many parts of the world, particularly in poorer countries, attainment of even the most basic education is still far from universal. Indeed, roughly one-in-five adults (19%) around the globe have no formal schooling at all, according to a recent Pew Research Center report on education that also studied its relationship to religion. While virtually all adults in Europe (98%) …

Let’s Create A Better World – 12.05.16

One of the best shows ever on “Let’s Create a Better World” features Ellie Laks, founder of  the animal rescue sanctuary, The Gentle Barn. Host Bobby Elias and Ellie discuss insights, ideas and love as a possible solution for making this a better world. They both agree that the power and strength of love as a major force is key …

Sam Husseini – Beyond the Anti-Trump Protests

Two views seem to be dominant among progressives regarding Donald Trump: Either protest all he does (people have been holding “anti-Trump” rallies for the past week) or “give him a chance” (let’s see what he does, maybe it will be okay). But both the demonizers and those urging a passive approach are wrong. The “Anti-Trump” approach is hollow. First, to protest a …

Ask Beatty – 10.10.16

October is Domestic Violence Awareness month. And who would have dreamed that a candidate running for President of the United States is a proud sexual and emotional predator of women!
And what is more shocking, is the fact that millions of men and women continue to enable and support him.
Listen to Beatty’s psychological analysis of Trump and why a Trump Presidency would ultimately doom America.

Leid Stories – Third Cop Walks in Freddie Gray Case; The Orlando Massacre: Was It Terrorism? – 06.23.16

Caesar Goodson, the third officer, and “star” defendant, tried in connection with the brutal death of Freddie Gray today was cleared of all charges—including second-degree depraved-heart murder; three counts of manslaughter; assault; reckless endangerment; and misconduct in office.

Noted attorney Alton H. Maddox Jr., who predicted the outcome of the case, deciphers the verdict.

In the immediate aftermath of the June 12 massacre of 49 people and the wounding of 53 others at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Fla., President Barack Obama told the nation that the alleged lone gunman, Omar Mateen, a 29-year-old security guard, had committed “an act of terror” and “an act of hate.”

Various other officials in his administration—including Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, FBI Director James Comey and their boss U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch—have echoed the president’s characterization of the tragedy, and it appears to be the legal definition that is informing the government’s ongoing investigations.