Peace Talks Radio – A Domestic Violence Story : Reforming Offenders, Protecting Victims – 04.07.18

This time on Peace Talks Radio, we look at a program that seems to be having some success in quelling the violence in some men with histories of domestic violence. Called, The Duluth Model, a Domestic Abuse Intervention Project in Minnesota is getting some attention as it explores deeply the lived experience of both offenders and victims of domestic violence …

Ask Beatty – 11.13.17

Mass shootings.  Sexual assault.  Domestic Violence.  Beatty talks about all of the things that we can we all DO to keep ourselves sane in the midst of this madness.   My guest today is  Sonia Satra, actress, founder and CEO of Moticise, an award -winning wellness program, international speaker, mother and wife, who recently conquered Mount Kilimanjaro.  She shares the …

Ask Beatty – 11.06.17

Beatty talked about what we can all DO to help take sexual harassment, domestic violence, addictions and mental health problems out of the closet. Acknowledging and addressing these issues in both our personal and professional lives is the first step toward recovery.   TO Life and Love,  BEATTY  Download this episode (right click and save)

Russia: Bill to Decriminalize Domestic Violence

(Moscow) – A draft law pending in Russia’s parliament would seriously weaken protections against domestic violence, Human Rights Watch said today. Parliament should reject the law as dangerous and incompatible with Russia’s international human rights obligations. “Passage of this law would be a huge step backward for Russia, where victims of domestic violence already face enormous obstacles to getting help …

Helen Pidd – Men killed 900 women in six years in England and Wales, figures show

More than 900 women were killed by men in England and Wales over a six-year period, most by their current or former partners, according to the first detailed analysis of deadly male violence against women in those countries. The Femicide Census, which tracks and analyses the deaths of women killed by partners, ex-partners, male relatives, acquaintances, colleagues and strangers, was …

Rothna Begum – Telling Women to Hide Domestic Violence Behind Make-Up?

“We hope these beauty tips will help you carry on with your daily life,” said a make-up artist on the morning show Sabahiyat on Morocco’s state television last Wednesday. But this was no typical make-up advice: She was teaching women how to cover up bruises from domestic violence. It was, to say the least, a misguided attempt to commemorate International …