This is a rebroadcast from a show aired in 2009. Veganics! Stephane Groleau and Meghan Kelly founded the Veganic Agriculture Network in 2008 to promote farming and gardening that is free from chemicals and animal by-products. Their website features profiles of veganic farms in North America, and introduces people to the main concepts of farming and gardening in a way that …
Leid Stories—The Starbucks Defensive: How People of Color Will End Up Saving A Coffee Empire—05.29.18
Coffee giant Starbucks this afternoon is closing more than 8,000 of its stores nationwide to provide racial-bias training for its 175,000 workers. The companywide training comes after Starbucks issued a public apology for the arrest of two black men at a Philadelphia store. The manager of the store said the men were “trespassing,” even though they were waiting only minutes …
Black Agenda Radio – 05.28.18
Welcome to the radio magazine that brings you news, commentary and analysis from a Black Left perspective. I’m Glen Ford, along with my co-host Nellie Bailey. Coming up: a national conference was held in North Carolina, last week, in hopes of revitalizing the Black liberation movement. And, the film “Black Panther” turned Black super-hero images into a worldwide box office …
Resistance Radio – Guest: Melinda Mann – 05.27.18
Melinda Mann is a longtime environmental and social justice activist whose “peak trans moment” three years ago rekindled her deep radical feminism. In response to trans-identified males’ demands for unfettered access to women’s private spaces, she launched a research project to document the sexual and other violent crimes of males who pose as women, creating a Facebook page called “This …
Episode 8: “Let’s Talk Crypto!” – International Day of Peace Global Social Impact Peace-A-Thon “Let’s Talk Crypto!” – International Day of Peace Global Social Impact Peace-A-Thon And to answer your personal question about getting into crypto easily: http://www.Flow.Guru If you follow that invite, you and I will receive $10 each if you invest $100 to open up a account. is an exchange that sells Bitcoin, Ether, Litecoin and Bitcoin Cash. All …
Organic Gardner Podcast – Young’s Farm | Tim Dooley and Aidan Feeney | Mother’s Day episode – 05.21.18
Youngs Farm was founded in 1892 as a result of a marriage between the Youngs and the Hegemans (the farm is located on Hegeman’s Lane). Currently the 4th and 5th generation of the Youngs Family operate and manage the business. Formerly a wholesale operation, we now sell nearly everything we produce out of our farm stand on site. Our store specializes in selling both our own and …
Energy Stew – You’re more powerful when you can see your shadow – 05.18.18
Everyone is reading your energy vibes on an unconscious level and is responding to them. These are your personality frequencies and an excellent window to them are the playing cards you’ve been born to live out. When we know our cards, we know why people behave the way they do with us. This depends on how their cards want to …
Ask The Blood Detective – Home Dangers: Molds, Metals & Electromagnetic Insults – 05.12.18
This compelling discussion by Dr. Michael Wald, the blood detective, involves the insidious and horrific effects of molds, heavy metals and electromagnetic insults That you and your loved ones may be exposed to every day. Dr. Wald explains how these factors have the potential of reducing the link of life and the quality of life. Dr. will provide specific nutritional …
Leid Stories—Free Your Mind. It’s Your Best Defense!—05.11.18
Here you are at the end of a very trying week. You’ve triumphed over the conspiracy to drive you mad with a torrent of “news” and “information” designed to confuse you, throw you off kilter, and dumb you down. Disassemble the mishmash we’ve been fed all week and tell us what we really ought to know. Call 888-874-4888 and help us free …
LOA Today – 05.10.18
I Am Totally Disorganized (from The Astonishing Power of Emotions, Part II, Example 4) Lots of people deal feel shame about the clutter in their houses. Abraham wants people to feel good about themselves so that they can feel good about getting organized. David and Walt discuss. Download this episode (right click and save)