Carefully crafted social conditioning has convinced the majority of the US population that their government and military is just and benevolent. Does the historical record in any way support such a conclusion? We are all living in a real life version of “The Truman Show”, in which public perceptions are almost completely manipulated by mainstream media weapons of mass deception. …
The Conspiracy Guy – 11.08.17
Conspiracy Guy #50: In retrospect, it has become apparent why the perps chose a Country & Western Concert to stage the Las Vegas stunt and an obscure Souther Baptist Church of which no one has ever heard: so they could receive international publicity at the Country Music Awards, where the images of persons who had died in different states or …
Professor Kamel Hawwash – Britain should apologise for the Balfour Declaration, not ‘celebrate’ it
The Balfour Declaration is a letter from the then British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Walter Rothschild, for transmission to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland. The critical part of this short letter said: “His Majesty’s government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate …
Correcting the Zionist Narrative of Israel by GARRY LEECH
The Zionist narrative exists to justify the existence of the state of Israel. It is the narrative that dominates the perspectives of the US and Canadian governments as well as the mainstream media in North America. This narrative accepts as its starting point the right of a Jewish state to exist based on the fact that Jews lived in the …
Israel and the New European Colonialism By Garry Leech
The creation of a Jewish state in the middle of the Arab world represents the continuation of European colonialism in Palestine under an apartheid system that has consisted of the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians by a rogue nation that has repeatedly violated international law. Given this reality, and the fact that Palestine is the Holy Land of three religions, the …
The “Zionisation of America” – Anthony Bellchambers
A total of $56.73 million has been paid over the last three decades, to ensure that the U.S. Congress is populated only by those who accept the agenda of the American Zionist Council. This, according to the official record, was the amount paid by the American Zionist Council from 1978-2014 to ensure the selection of its approved congressional candidates in …
Marriage in Retreat
Marriage is in retreat worldwide. In countries across the globe, increasing numbers of women and men are not simply postponing marriage, but forgoing it altogether. Among women in their late 30s or early 40s, 29 percent of women in Denmark are unmarried, 18 percent in Italy, 22 percent in Lebanon, and 32 percent in Libya In the United States, one in …