There are three courts in the land: the court of justice (Judicial branch of government), the court of public opinion (i.e., news media), and the Vaccine Court.  The first two courts are public. The third is private. Because the Vaccine Court is hidden out of sight, most people never learn of its existence. Why Hide a Court Unless You Have Something To …
The Gary Null Show – 10.13.16
Today On The Gary Null Show, Gary opens up the program with health and healing. Gary covers topics such as eating plants can reduce cancer risks and how radiola can optimize health benefits. Gary Null takes a look at the war on drugs on and how the conditions in jail are only getting worse. Before going to a Talk Back segment where listeners call in with the greatest questions Gary plays a couple of audio clips “Obama trashing Hillary Clinton in 2008” “Why Hillary Clinton’s War Record Matters”.
Lauren McCauley – Seriously ‘Sinister’ Big Pharma: Opioid Maker Bankrolls Opposition to Pro-Pot Referendum
It has been revealed that the maker of a powerful, addictive opioid drug is bankrolling the opposition to the effort to legalize and regulate marijuana for recreational use in Arizona. The Phoenix New Times reported Thursday that Insys Therapeutics, the company behind the fentanyl-based medication Subsys, made a $500,000 donation to the group Arizonans for Responsible Drug Policy (ARDP), which is leading the …