Focus on the Facts – 04.18.16

The guest today was Dr Hooman Noorchashm, who is leading the campaign to ban power morcellation used in hysterectomies to remove fibroids in the uterus. His campaign began in December 2013, after his wife, Dr Amy Reed’s unsuspected uterine cancer was spread through her abdomen by morcellation during a routine hysterectomy in October 2013, at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. Morcellation takes a Stage 1 treatable cancer immediately to a Stage 4 terminal cancer and for many women, this routine procedure ends with a death sentence. For over 20 years, the morcellator has spread cancer and led to the death of thousands of women and yet it stayed on the market because the device makers, the doctors and the hospitals did not report the harm caused by the device to the FDA. In late 2013, Amy Reed was the first to report that morcellation was spreading cancer in women to the FDA.

Focus on the Facts – 03.28.16

The guest today was Dr Amy Reed’s husband, Dr Hooman Noorchashm, who is leading the campaign to ban power morcellation with devices used in hysterectomies to remove fibroids in the uterus. Their campaign began in December 2013, after Amy’s unsuspected uterine cancer was spread through her abdomen by morcellation during a routine hysterectomy in 2013 at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.

Meria Heller Show – 03.27.16

Born in the 1940’s We Remember, with Meria and Jim Fetzer. Brussels attack, Was it staged? Sandy Hook, Boston, 11-22-63; Trump & Hillary’s speeches at AIPAC; Bernie (the only Jew) didn’t attend; Trump blamed Muslims for 9/11 instead of Israel,MOSSAD,CIA etc; Is the EU at war now? will this speech strengthen Trump? blaming Iran; Cuba & Obama; corporate takeover; Chris Matthews on JFK & Cuba;attacks on Jim; suing the media for lies about Sandy Hook; 9/11 Planes? Jeff Bauman? Boston lies; Ted Cruz;Is Bernie the second coming? Trump & Hillary vs.U.N/Iran/Palestinians; Israel the apartheid state home of false flags;stabbing Obama in the back and lots more.

Jennifer Berkshire – How Parents May Be Signing Their Children’s Rights Away by Enrolling Them in Charter Schools

Here’s a question for you: If you dramatically scale up schools in which students have fewer rights than students who attend traditional public schools, with what do you end up? If you answered “more students with fewer rights,” congratulations — you have won the opportunity to learn more on this important, yet little discussed topic. Dr. Preston Green [3] is a professor …

All Together Now – 03.17.16

Eleanor LeCain speaks about Boston’s plan to be the first city to close the gender wage gap with Megan Costello, executive director of the Office of Women’s Advancement. Also speaks about innovation in cities with Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, mayor of Baltimore and President of the US Conference of Mayors

Ugo Barti – The climate emergency: time to switch to panic mode?

The latest temperature data have broken all records (image from “think progress“). At best, this is an especially large oscillation and the climate system will be soon back on track; following the predictions of the models – maybe to be retouched to take into account faster climbing temperatures. A worst, it is an indication that the system is going out …

The Plutonium Files: MIT scientists fed radioactive oatmeal to schoolboys to see what would happen

Between 1946 and 1953, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) conducted a horrifying experiment in which schoolboys were fed radioactive oatmeal, simply to support marketing claims made by the Quaker Oats company! The study was performed on more than 100 boys, many of whom were wards of the state and had been falsely declared “mentally retarded,” according to The New York Times. …

Can mindful eating help lower risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease?

Given the high stress levels, extended periods of screen time and regular social outings many Americans experience day-to-day in environments where high-calorie foods are readily available, it can be easy to fall into the habit of mindless eating — where we’re too distracted to pay attention to how much, what and why we’re eating. Research suggests that practicing mindfulness — …

ROBERT HUNZIKER – The Arctic Turns Ugly

Runaway global warming is far and away humankind’s biggest nightmare, and the Arctic is the likely perpetrator. If it happens, it’ll blister agricultural foodstuff before it can reach the outstretched arms of the multitudes. Then what? Dr. Peter Gleick of the Pacific Institute of California recently warned, “What is happening in the Arctic now is unprecedented and possibly catastrophic,” Ian …

Kate Stringer – We Can’t Solve Climate Change Without Teaching It—Why More Classes Are Heading Outside

Standing waist-deep in Connecticut’s West River, Nyasia Mercer’s mind is far from the cold, murky water lapping against her rubber waders. The high-schooler is thinking of people. The ones who swim here. Fish here. The ones who unwittingly dump liquid waste into nearby sewers. And how few of them know what swirls through their neighborhood waterway. “It’s sad,” Mercer said. …