Progressive Radio Network


The pleasure and reward centers of the brain are activated similarly by dangerous drugs as well as by exercise, which is why therapies to treat…
In my practice of holistic mental health care, I encountered a number of unfortunate patients that had had one or more series of electroconvulsant (shock)…
In this extract from Mark Boyle's latest book, Drinking Molotov Cocktails with Gandhi, he explains with beauty and great feeling why we have to stand…
Following recent media reports of high-profile mass shootings, a Republican assemblywoman from Nevada is calling for an investigation into whether psychiatric pharmaceuticals commonly taken by…
Journalist Danielle Egan and I document the tragic truth about Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) for depression, and about psychosurgery past and present. Danielle is a…
A total of 87 out of 91 former NFL players have tested positive for the brain disease at the center of the debate over concussions in…
A common trend in recent human history is this: we think something isn’t harmful, but find out it really is years after its introduction into…
Guest #1 - John Perkins: For many years, John Perkins was an economic hit man (EHM), a job to convince leaders of developing nations to…
For years, scientists believed brain shrinkage was inevitable and irreversible. Cutting-edge research has shown that brain cells can regenerate. An amino acid called taurine plays an important role in creating…
Scientists at The Ohio State University have developed a nearly complete human brain in a dish that equals the brain maturity of a five-week-old fetus.…
Warrior Connection continued our discussion on PTSD and ways to resolve it... we discussed the new ptsd brochure developed to provide guidance..and suggestions observations in…
The brain’s powers are a little overrated. To keep your body going, you don’t need a functioning brain, but you do need something to provide…