“The inhabitants are pushed aside to make way for transplants who may come from the suburbs, another state or even from another country.” There is no city in this country where black people are safe from the current method of displacement known as gentrification. Washington, DC, once had a majority black population and was known as Chocolate City. Perhaps it …
Does Wall Street Call the Shots at the FBI? – Pam Martens and Russ Martens
It is clear to most Americans that Wall Street’s financing of presidential and congressional campaigns is creating too many pals wearing blindfolds about epic corruption on Wall Street. The President, subject to Senate confirmation, selects the U.S. Treasury Secretary, the Chair of the Federal Reserve, the Chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission – all of whom regulate Wall Street, …
Ask Beatty – Elizabeth Massey – 05.11.15
Beatty talked about having attended a Moral Monday breakfast at Union Theological Seminary in New York City with guest speaker Reverend Doctor William, Director of the North Carolina NAACP. As a society, despite different party lines, we need to all get in touch with our moral selves personally and politically and not just on Monday’s. Her guest tonight was Elizabeth …
Give ‘Em Hell, Bernie – Matt Taibbi
Many years ago I pitched a magazine editor on a story about Bernie Sanders, then a congressman from Vermont, who’d agreed to something extraordinary – he agreed to let me, a reporter, stick next to him without restrictions over the course of a month in congress. “People need to know how this place works. It’s absurd,” he’d said. (Bernie often uses the …
75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America
Socialism. There is nothing more feared and hated in America. The word alone sends shivers down the spine of the American people. Those three syllables conger up images of Big Brother Government ruling over us all, telling us what to eat, wear, buy, and think. Our children in national uniform being indoctrinated with propaganda in government education camps that use …
Seattle City Council Unanimously Declares Opposition to Fast Track, TPP
“Few things counterpose the interests of multinational corporations to the interests of workers, the environment, and democracy” like the TPP, says councilmember Kshama Sawant Deirdre Fulton The Seattle City Council resoundingly approved a resolution Monday evening cementing its opposition to so-called Fast Track authority that’s needed to speed passage of corporate-friendly, rights-trampling trade deals like the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). The resolution (pdf), …
This NY Bill Could Effectively Make You a Felon If You’re Arrested During a Protest
On Sunday, The New York Post [3]and NY1 [4] reported that the NYPD’s push to make resisting arrest a felony had officially been introduced as a bill before the New York State senate. After both Commissioner Bratton [5]and NYPDpolice union [6] simultaneously trial-ballooned a similar law change a few weeks ago, the plan to make “aggravated” resisting arrest a felony is officially moving forward after State Senator Tony Avella proposed …