Before announcing for President in the Democratic Primaries, Bernie Sanders told the people he would not run as an Independent and be like Nader—invoking the politically-bigoted words “being a spoiler.” Well, the spoiled corporate Democrats in Congress and their consultants are mounting a “stop Bernie campaign.” They believe he’ll “spoil” their election prospects. Sorry Bernie, because anybody who challenges the …
Cole Mellino – There Will Be More Plastic Than Fish in the Ocean by 2050
There will be more plastic than fish in the ocean by 2050, warned the Ellen MacArthur Foundation in a report published Tuesday. The report, The New Plastics Economy: Rethinking the Future of Plastics, was produced by the foundation and the World Economic Forum with analytical support from McKinsey & Company. Every year “at least 8 million tons of plastics leak into the ocean—which …
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 01.20.16
My guest Ted Chabasinski, lawyer and psychiatric reformer, and I start out talking about the FDA’s recent decision that ECT is so safe that shock treatment never has to be tested. Really! We then share heart-felt thoughts about life and politics.
Robert Scheer – Hillary Blames Bernie for an Old Clintonite Hustle, and That’s a Rotten Shame
The Clintons have no shame, that much you can count on. That stupefying arrogance was on full display in the most recent presidential campaign debate when Hillary Clinton countered Bernie Sanders’ charge that she was compromised by her close ties to Goldman Sachs and other rapacious Wall Street interests with the retort: “Sen. Sanders, you’re the only one on this …
Steve Weissman – Hillary’s No Neocon. She’s Far More Dangerous
ack in September 2013, well before Bernie Sanders decided to run for president, the liberal journalist Peter Beinart called attention to the leftward swing among Democratic Party voters, marked by Elizabeth Warren’s popularity and Bill de Blasio’s victory in the Democratic primary for mayor of New York City. More to the point, Beinart explicitly challenged Hillary Clinton to move left …
Chris Hedges – The Illusion of Freedom
ations is unassailable. Who funds and manages our elections? Who writes our legislation and laws? Who determines our defense policies and vast military expenditures? Who is in charge of the Department of the Interior? The Department of Homeland Security? Our intelligence agencies? The Department of Agriculture? The Food and Drug Administration? The Department of Labor? The Federal Reserve? The mass …
Love Lust And Laughter – 11.17.15
Mali Apple and Joe Dunn are relationship coaches, lovers, best friends, and authors of award-winning books The Soulmate Experience: A Practical Guide to Creating Extraordinary Relationships – and the newly released sequel The Soulmate Lover: A Guide to Passionate and Lasting Love, Sex and Intimacy. Dr. Diana and this dynamic couple discussed sexual healing…how couples can transform sexual concerns and challenges into deeper intimacy. Lingering issues from the past can impact the ability for vulnerability and reciprocity. For more, visit where you can see Joe and Mali interacting on videos and get information about their books. They will return for Part 2 December 8th.
The Lifeboat Hour – 10.04.15
Author and psychotherapist Jed Diamond and Carolyn discuss his new book “The Power of Two”— how couples working together can help us heal from industrial civilization and make life easier for our descendants.
Vic Bishop – The Illusion of Choice: 90% of American Media Controlled by 6 Corporations
It is worth repeating again and again that the bulk of America’s mainline media is owned and controlled by a mere 6 corporations. This, of course, means that unless you’re already consciously avoiding these mainline media sources, then most of the news and entertainment that makes it onto your screen and into your mind comes from a small pool of corporate sources, all of which play …
Remember that Siddhartha left his wife and newborn son behind on his quest for enlightenment – Energy Stew interview with Samuel Shem – 08.07.15
Few people think about what happened at home after Siddhartha left for a life to explore suffering and eventually come into realization. His wife, Princess Yasodhara, had just given birth the day before and felt totally lost.
Siddhartha’s stepmother Pajapati (the sister of Siddhartha’s birth mother who died in child birth) was there to build a support group.
This book, “The Buddha’s Wife, The Path of Awakening Together” by Janet Surrey and her husband Samuel Shem, builds a rich story derived from the historical documents of the time. We’re in a time now when our spiritual paths must join more together to evolve. Princess Yasodhara also needed a spiritual community to hold her suffering rather than go off on a solo retreat as her husband did.
This is a wonderful book about rising above our suffering through listening, sharing and holding compassion together. A spiritual community is very empowering and is the path to “awakening together”.