Long-Time Vegetarians may Have Altered DNA – This is What it Means

A new study published in Molecular Biology and Evolution suggests that consuming a long-term vegetarian diet may alter human DNA and make people more susceptible to some cancers and heart disease. This, according to researchers, is because DNA makes vegetarians more susceptible to inflammation by boosting arachidonic acid, a substance linked to cancer and inflammation. The study suggests that because of this, vegetarian populations have a 40% increased …

The Gary Null Show – 05.17.16

On “The Gary Null Show” today, Gary goes over many great topics for you to listen to and read as well. Enjoy it all below and click on Gary’s Tuesday night show below as well:

Using exercise to reduce glutamate build-up in the brain

Regular exercise at any age might stave off Alzheimer’s

Ashwagandha root extract may boost cardio respiratory endurance: RCT

Daily multivitamin before and after conception greatly reduces miscarriage risk

Tai Chi improves pain and well-being in patients with knee osteoarthritis

Selenium deficiency linked to deadly heart disease affecting pregnant women

Compound found in wine may counteract effects of high fat diet

Gary takes a quick music break and plays the beautiful music of: Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell – Ain’t Nothing Like the Real Thing. Gary tells you about his Tuesday evening show at 7 pm called “Progressive Commentary Hour. Then on to environment news:

Dangerous new normal as 400 ppm carbon baseline expected within days

Navy allowed to kill or injure nearly 12 million whales, dolphins, other marine mammals in Pacific

Behind the $55 million verdict: Johnson & Johnson knew about talcum powder cancer risks since the 1970s

Duke study finds a “Legacy of Radioactivity,” contamination from thousands of fracking wastewater spills

The updated Bill of Rights

New Qatar airways service brings human rights baggage to Atlanta

Gary goes to a music break and plays: James Brown – I Feel Good and then takes listeners phone calls to the end of the show.

The Gary Null Show – 05.10.16

On “The Gary Null Show” today, Gary does a quick Health and Healing block, which you can read by clicking on the links and then discusses “What it is to be a Progressive?” Listen and read and get a better understand of the world we live in:

Bad carbs increase risk of cancer by up to 88 percent

Get rid of a poison oak rash

Could lime juice save hundreds of thousands of lives annually?

Grapes protect against ultraviolet radiation

Why are fish suddenly dying by the millions?

Gary takes a quick music break and plays this great song: Earth, Wind & Fire – Fantasy. Gary returned to discuss “What it means to be a Reagan conservative ?” and “What is a Progressive?” Gary gives his own voice to the topic and below are a few reference articles to let you understand more:

This is the video Gary was discussing about Bill O’Reilly saying Obama is a Progressive:

VIDEO: Justice, Obama and Trump

The 11 principles of a Reagan conservative or

11 Principles of a Reagan Conservative

Sadistic capitalism: Six urgent matters for humanity in global crisis
62 people own the same as half the world

Reform Is Not Enough to Stem the Rising Tide of Inequality Worldwide

What Women Must Know – The Truth About Cancer, Hydration and EMFs with Dr. Igor Smirnov and Alfred Hanser – 04.21.16

Dr. Igor Smirnov graduated from St. Petersburg Naval Academy in 1975, Faculty of Nuclear Physics and Engineering with a Master`s of Science degree in mechanical engineering He was actively involved in advanced research regarding the effects of low frequency electromagnetic oscillations (EMFs/EMRs) on human cellular physiology where he received his PHd from St. Petersburg State University.

After the catastrophic nuclear plant radiation leak at Chernobyl Russia in 1986, which induced more than three million incidents of cancer, Dr. Smirnov and his scientific team, investigated the healing effect of the area Caucasus Mountains spring water on the survivors of the radioactive leak.

The geomagnetic field of the mountain spring water proved to be unique in structure and action; it absorbed rapidly and more efficiently into the bodies of the native people exposed to the catastrophic radiation, eliminating the harmful effects of the radiation exposure from the cells prior to any damage.

Dr. Smirnov`s successful investigation of the Chernobyl disaster inspired years of research that led to the invention of “MRET Activated Water” using his breakthrough technology called , “Molecular Resonance Effect Technology.” Today this is known as the GIA i-H2O Activation System.

Dr. Smirnov is a member of The Bioelectromagnetics Society of America, The Biophysical Society and The Association Of American Engineers. Dr. Smirnov lectures extensively at many international scientific congresses and conferences.

Alfred Hanser is a highly successful entrepreneur and is also regarded as an expert in the areas of electromagnetic radiation problems and solutions and cellular hydration Mr. Hanser has been a featured speaker at many health and wellness congresses and scientific conventions, as well as an expert guest on many radio and TV shows around the world. He co-founded an international Wellness Company with its patented core technologies .

The Gary Null Show – 04.21.16

On “The Gary Null Show” today, Gary discussed these great topics and played a great video and testimonial. Click on the links below to learn more and improve your mind.

Mindful eating helps to lose weight—and keep it off
A plant-based polyphenol for improving wound healing discovered
Natural supplements, herbs, vitamins to help with OCD and breathing trouble, panic attacks & anxiety
Strength training helps older adults live longer
Testimonial: Kathy talks with Gary about how he helped her with cancer.
Video: Empire Files: Abby Martin exposes what Hillary Clinton really represents

Sayer Ji – Deadly Chemo-Drug Costs 4,000x More Than Gold

One of the oldest marketing tricks in the book is to dramatically overprice something in order to increase its perceived value. Ironically, the less intrinsic value the commodity holds, the more effective such a tactic can be. This could explain what’s going on with one of the highest priced and most useless chemotherapy drugs on the market today.  The chemotherapy …

Joseph Laycock – Why so many Americans think they’re #blessed

Last month, my colleagues and I were moved by a beautiful and tragic New York Times editorial by Kate Bowler, a religion professor from Duke Divinity School who was recently diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. Bowler recently wrote a book – Blessed: A History of the American Prosperity Gospel – that has been hailed as the first monograph tracing the history of the prosperity gospel …

Catherine J. Frompovich – Are Vaccines Such “Holy Cows” That They Can’t Be Condemned?

The graphic below indicates that VACCINE-DERIVED POLIOVIRUSES have been known, and apparently tracked, since 1962 and yet those very vaccines are still being given to developing countries’ children under the guise of polio prevention! What is it that the pro-vaccine contingent doesn’t get? Apparently, pro-vaxxers may believe that the moon is made of green cheese, too! Vaccines cause the very diseases they …

Michelle Goldstein – Why MOST Medical Doctors Blindly Recommend Vaccinations

Multiple reasons explain why the vast majority of medically trained physicians support vaccinations. Physicians receive the majority of their training during medical school, which is heavily influenced by pharmaceutical companies and government institutions such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Both pharmaceutical companies and government organizations support a misguided agenda in which vaccinations are promoted as a …

CHRIS BUSBY – It’s Not Just Cancer! Radiation, Genomic Instability and Heritable Genetic Damage

Those who fear the effects of radiation always focus on cancer. But the most frightening and serious consequences of radiation are genetic. Cancer is just one small bleak reflection, a flash of cold light from a facet of the iceberg of genetic damage to life on Earth constructed from human folly, power-lust and stupidity. Cancer is a genetic disease expressed …