Kelly Brogan – 3 Scientific Game Changers That Will Transform Medicine

Think diseases run in the family? Think again. Have you ever worried about “getting” breast cancer because your mom and aunt both had it? What about Bipolar Disorder (yes, psychiatry capitalizes it’s diagnoses for extra emphasis!) or Lupus? It has probably felt like you have a ticking time bomb inside you and you just want to know when it’s going to go …

The Gary Null Show – 07.22.16

On “The Gary Null Show” Gary does a quick health and healing to give more time to his guest all the way from Germany, F. William Engdahl. Enjoy and listen and take notes

Cancer Treatment

High protein diet linked to liver cancer

Inappropriate prescribing

Study: Women on blood thinners can take hormone therapy without increased risk of blood clots and bleeding

Gary takes a quick break to play: KC & The Sunshine Band – That’s The Way (I Like It)

Gary reads a nice letter from 1995. Then introduces his guest and here is a quick bio:

F. William Engdahl is an award winning geopolitical analyst, strategic risk consultant and author who specializes on the rise of the US as an international superpower. His writings deal with empire building through the roles of financial control of global banking, the food chain, medicine and bio engineering and energy, primarily oil. He holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and did graduate work in comparative economics at Stockholm University in Sweden. He has taught at Beijing University and lectured widely at business and economic institutions throughout the world including Russia, Turkey, London, Croatia and elsewhere. His articles appear in Global-research, New Eastern Outlook, Asia Times, Financial Sesnse, RT among others. William has written many important books, his latest being “The Lost Hegemon: Whom the Gods Would Destroy” which provides a history of the US intelligence’s relationship with the origins of Islamic terrorist and jihadi organizations and movements. His website is

Dr. Gary G. Kohls – Gardasil: Not Proven to Prevent Cancer of the Cervix!

A recent DNT commentary article, written and or endorsed by area board-certified pediatricians, oncologists and obstetricians/ gynecologists  appeared in the Duluth News-Tribune Op-Ed section promoting the universal use of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine for pre-teen and teen-age girls. It appears to be a part of the world-wide billion dollar promotion campaign to get the world’s young women, even in …

The Gary Null Show – 06.15.16

On “The Gary Null Show” today, Gary goes over health and healing and talks about the environment and plays great audio clips:

Another study proves this simple activity rejuvenates the brain

Eating more whole grains linked with lower mortality rates

Consumption of this antioxidant reduces heart disease mortality by 40 percent

Top 3 antioxidant-rich vegetables help prevent cancer, heal the skin & slow aging

Gary goes to a music break and plays a great song: Chicago – Saturday In The Park. Then back to the show:Gary speaks about meaning many people while he was traveling around the country and saw ways they got around zoning laws. He decided to not tell the location to help the people.

Understanding zoning and tiny houses

FL attorney says growing vegetables not a fundamental right

VIDEO: Bill Moyers Essay: The End Game for Democracy

Massacres that have happened in America that were as bad or worse them the horrible attack in Orlando:

1850 Bloody Island Massacre

The Ludlow Massacre

The Lawrence Massacre

The Colfax Massacre

The Greenwood Massacre

The Chinese Massacre of 1871

The Paoli Massacre

The Waxhaw Massacre

The Fort Pillow Massacre

The Goliad Massacre

The Red Summer

Gary takes calls from listeners to discuss today’s topics and then Luanne comes on air to discuss Gary’s new Health Support System Classes. Call her if interested: 631-504-6198

The Gary Null Show – 06.14.16

On “The Gary Null Show today, Gary brought these topics to the show today

Naps can boost memory, study shows
Landmark study shows nature kills PTSD in combat veteran

Turmeric for cancer? Study says the spice shows promise

15 minutes daily exercise may be reasonable target in older adults

Gary takes a quick break and plays: Junior Walker & The Allstars – (I’m A) Roadrunner
Then Gary goes right into this great video with Russell Brand.

VIDEO: Russell Brand Barack Obama’s Legacy

Bernie is trying really hard to get Hillary to embrace his views

VIDEO: Urgent Message TO All British People

Meria Heller Show – Stars R Us with Joseph Anthony – 06.12.16

Stars R Us with Joseph Anthony. Meria and Joseph speak this month on these topics: Astrology for June. Its a rough month, Heavy energy and frequencies hitting the planet and us, Neptune in Pisces – all about water, floods, sinkholes, Losing our equilibrium, Dreams, Visions of other dimensions, People waking up, Revolution in France, Stolen elections in USA, Israel and Zionists, Mid-month event on the 20th; Howard Rosenthal spoke truth and died, New Moon in Gemini, Grand Cross, US-a cancer nation, Big cities, Nestle and Monsanto, Mercury in Gemini, Venus in Cancer, Saturn squares Neptune, Astrology is understanding the cycles, Full Moon in Sag, Sun in Cancer on the solstice and much more.

Let’s Create A Better World – 06.04.16

New progress and new activism is taking place for the better in the fight against genetically engineered foods. Diana Reeves, from, eloquently speaks on many issues and goes over the latest information to stop the GMO’s from affecting our lives and causing health problems. Diana tells her story about how her health and the health of her family members were greatly affected by GMO foods and how her son died of cancer due to related causes. Then discusses how she bettered her health and the health of her family by researching healthy foods and finding out how GMO’s were affecting her life and lives around the world. Jennifer Montero is an energy medicine practitioner, healer and a fabulous teacher of self-healing. She discusses how she was inspired to start her business as an intuitive healer & coach and has been helping others obtain and maintain health and wellness in life. She discusses her energy healing and spiritual work which includes specific modalties that she uses as a healer to help many overcome areas of blockages and related issues in their body, mind and spirit.

Infectious Myth – Peter Duesberg on AIDS and Cancer – 05.31.16

David talks to Peter Duesberg about his heretical views on AIDS and cancer. Way back in 1987 he wrote a paper giving the reasons why all retroviruses, not just HIV, could not cause disease in animals. And despite being the discover of the first oncogene, cancer gene, he changed his opinion and now believes that it is not mutations, but the wrong number of chromosomes, aneuploidy, that triggers cancer. Duesberg refers to a 2013 paper on the karyotypes, chromosome counts, of cervical cancer cells, which can be found here:

The Gary Null Show – 05.24.16

On “The Gary Null” today, Gray had a great health and healing segment and then Gary interviewed the two guest below.

The inflammatory factor underlying most cancers

Exercise can help reduce hot flashes

Could cinnamon help you prevent Alzheimer’s disease?

Why blueberries are an effective weapon in the war against Alzheimer’s disease

The rise of tart cherry as a medicinal food

Gary goes to break and plays this great oldie: Chaka Khan – I’m Every Woman. Gary returns to pitch his great product greens and grains and oils,

and more. He does a quick music break again an plays this: Michael Jackson – Heartbreak Hotel

Lastly, here are the bios for our guests today:

Mark Hertzgaard is an American journalist who has been called “one of America’s finest reporters” by Barbara Ehrenreich. For the past twenty-five years, Mark has focused his investigations into the ecological fate of the earth, food security, poverty and agriculture. He also writes on the national security state. Mark is the environmental correspondent for The Nation and reports on ecological issues for Vanity Fair, The New Yorker, Time, Mother Jones, Die Zeit and other publications and appears as a regular commentator on PBS Morning Edition and Living on Earth. He has published six important books, including “Hot: Living Through the Next Fifty Years on Earth.” His most recent is “Bravehearts: Whistle Blowing in the Age of Snowden.” His website is

Joining Mark is John Crane. John is a former senior Pentagon investigator and a long time assistant to the Pentagon’s Inspector General in the office assigned to protect whistleblowers and person’s coming forth with complaints of wrongdoing. He is duly featured in Mark’s book Bravehearts, and gained whistleblower status himself for coming forth with information about how the Pentagon and NSA undermine the entire whistleblowing process and laws.

The Gary Null Show – 05.23.16

On”The Gary Null Show” today, Gary returns to New York and speaks on many great topics. Listen to the show and read some of the links to help you. Enjoy.

Half of U.S. Cancer deaths due to bad habits

Your risk of dying hinges on well-being not diseases

Healthy intestinal flora keeps the mind sharp – with some help from the immune system

Health and healing in America: Majorities see alternative therapies as safe and effective

Taurine ameliorates 5-flourouracil-induced intestinal mucositis and reproductive organ damage in experimental research

Flavanol-enriched cocoa powder alters the intestinal microbiota, tissue and fluid metabolite profiles, and intestinal gene expression in pigs

Gary takes a quick music break and plays this jam: Teddy Pendergrass – Close the door

India records its hottest temperature ever: 123.8 degrees Fahrenheit

Antarctic glacier melt could raise sea level by 3m

Fukushima – Deep trouble

VIDEO: Noam Chomsky on why TIPP is not a trade agreement

VIDEO: George Carlin sums up class structure and the purpose media divisiveness

Gary takes 2 calls from Robert and James and then speaks about the Natural Living Running & Walking Club. Join him this Sunday at 9am to get healthier.